We are thrilled to announce that our Lhotse team summited this morning, including one mountaineer who stood on top of Everest yesterday. Two 8,000m peaks in under 24 hours – well done.

This team is truly on fire! Everyone who arrived in Kathmandu to climb, stood on top and achieved their goal. The entire team is now descending as I write. The Everest team to Camp 2 and the Lhotse team off the summit. Huge congrats to everyone – their hard work, dedication and training has paid off. Not to mention everyone’s support teams from home. It’s pretty incredible to watch everyone achieve their goals on such a grand scale. We are incredibly thankful to all the Sherpa and local team on the ground here in Nepal for making our dream expedition possible. 

Soon, we’ll have the whole team back safely at Base camp and it will be time to celebrate.