Hello Everyone,
A quiet day on the CTSS Everest news front today as we await the rope fixing (they fixed a little way past the South Col today and hope to fix up to the Summit tomorrow and the following day)
The waiting game is a very familiar and common experience around this time of the season, but it still doesn’t make the angst of it any easier.
While Private Team Mark W + Big Tendi are positioned at Camp 3, (looking at summit bid on the 15th or 16th) the rest of the CTSS teams are at Base Camp, chilling, eating, prepping and taking hikes about Base Camp and up to Pumori to keep their muscles moving (of course this will be an exercise in mindfulness as they take the utmost care not to accidentally roll an ankle or anything ahead of their climb)
Apparently, Seven Summit hopeful Mrika from Kosovo (who is an amazingly strong 17yr old woman with a good few of the 7 peaks under her belt already) and Guide Casey are quite the barista team having perfected the high altitude cappuccino and are everyone’s favourite people in the morning, whilst at night the Argentinians take the Gong, winning International Masterchef by miles with the second run of fresh pizzas much to everyone’s delight.
Morale is high, tummies are well fed, high altitude coffees are frothy! Stay tuned,