Our whole team is together! Our Lhotse climber has finished his trek up the valley and has joined us at Base Camp. He slept well and is well adjusted to the altitude already. It’s good to have the whole team together.
Today we are readying the Everest team for a first rotation up to Camp 1 to take advantage of a clear weather window before some precipitation is due. The Sherpa team have already fully stocked the higher camps and did another carry load up to Camp 2 this morning. The icefall is in good condition this year with Sherpa quoted as saying the Icefall Doctors have put in one of the safest routes compared to previous seasons. (The Icefall Doctors are camped right next to CTSS and are a team of 8 highly experienced Sherpa who open the route through the Khumbu icefall each year using ropes and aluminium ladders to bridge any crevasses and allow climbers to tackle the vertical sections. They monitor and maintain the route throughout the whole season and are integral to the success of any Everest climber and we’re appreciative of their hard work and dedication to safety)
After a few days training and rest at Base Camp the team is eager to move higher and put those skills they’ve been honing into action and get the legs moving. They will aim for a night or two acclimatizing at Camp 1. Of course we’ll be keeping an eagle eye on the weather at all times.
Yesterday Casey had the team practicing on the aluminium ladders in camp so that everyone feels comfortable not only crossing the crevasses on them but they know how to kneel down and release a crampon should one get stuck. Moving confidently over the ladders means the team will move quickly and avoid adding to any traffic jams.

The skies have been cobalt blue every morning, and we’ve been having breakfast outside every morning. Life’s sweet up here at CTSS EBC.