Our successful Vinson team are having their final night at Base Camp on Vinson with hopes the forecast stays true with clear skies for their flight back to Union Glacier and on to Punta Arenas in the coming days. As you know weather is always the deciding factor with polar flights which are held within strict safety margins.
A small handful of that first team – being Guide Tomi, Mario, Vlad & Wilson did sneak out on the last flight before the weather clouded over slightly so they are already back at Union Glacier enjoying the hot showers but the rest of the team, will be hot on their heels in the morning. If all goes to plan, they’ll be flying back to Chile tomorrow too.
Everyone safe and well in Antarctica.
Meanwhile, CTSS Liaison & Guest Manager Pedro has welcomed our second team to Punta Arenas, Peter V, Sidharth R, Maria, and Devin.
They have been doing briefings and gear checks as well as undergoing mandatory covid testing. They are scheduled to fly in on the 29th. The plane that drops them will then take the first teams back to Chile. Guide Mike Hamill will remain in Antarctica to lead our next group of Antarctic climbers.
Photos from past seasons.