Evening of the 14th May – Happy Mothers’ Day!
Wishing all the moms following on a very Happy Mother’s Day! We know that it is always a tough being away from your sons and daughters as they pursue their dreams in the high mountains. It is your endless support and love that enables them to achieve these great goals and the accolades for their success rest not only with them, but you! We hope you have a wonderful day today.
A quick update from the mountain for you all.
Down low we have some afternoon flurries of snow but nothing to impede our climbers, and most importantly the winds have dropped. Our teams are aiming for summits on the 17th & 18th which are looking like the best period for low winds so far. They are well positioned and feeling strong.
In our first wave of summit bid climbers, we have our Western Guided Team Climbers; Bruce McC, Ben S, Schuyler E with Guides Robert J, Quique Claussen and Pemba Geljie. Alongside them our Private 1:1 Climbers; Kevin C & Guide Ashish, Roberto T and Guide Pasang, Olivier and Guide Casey, Mark Postle, Tom L & Guide Tomi, Matt B & Guide Kami, Taylor G & Guide Naren, Kirstie E and Guides Anup & Kami Temba. That group took a rest day today at Camp 2 and tomorrow they will climb the Lhotse face up to Camp 3 and then up to the South Col the following day.
Our second team, will move up from Camp 1 through the Western CWM to Camp 2 tomorrow, so at camp 2 by tomorrow night, we will have Ludivine L, Damian M, Sam C , Jen W, Rajat, Ott, Lisa B, Travis, Rohan and Zukey., They will then move up to Camp 3 the following day with the intention of an 18th May summit.
Julie M is finishing her long rotation and will be returning to Base Camp tomorrow to rest for a few days before returning to the upper mountain on her summit bid between the 22d – 24th May.
All is well with the team and everyone is well positioned and feeling positive.