The CTSS Everest team made incredible progress to the South Col today in excellent weather and have all safely arrived. Part of their route today passed up through the Yellow Band and above the Geneva Spur.
They will currently be eating, drinking lots of fluids and will now rest on oxygen at the South Col before beginning their climb to the summit late tonight.
To give you an idea of what it is like at Camp 4:
This is the view of their route above looking at the South summit. The first stretch out of camp is flat and feels like walking on a moonscape. The route then gains altitude quickly to the “Balcony” before turning climber’s left toward the South Summit.
Everyone is doing very well and making excellent time. We’ll keep you updated on their progress as we get closer and closer. Expedition leader & CTSS owner Mike will be sleeping in the Comms tent tonight basically on top of the base station so he’ll hear every radio transmission that comes through from our team.