Cho Oyu Personal Sherpa and Extra Oxygen

$7,995 USD

Having a personal Sherpa and additional oxygen is one of our most popular add-ons for its benefits and cost-effectiveness. It adds a level of safety and improves summit success.
One of our Sherpa will climb with you on each rotation throughout the entire expedition, while above base camp helping you to stay safe, checking your technical rigging, setting a pace, saving you precious energy by carrying most of your personal gear and offering feedback about the climb. Having an attentive Sherpa in your corner can be invaluable on a peak like Cho Oyu especially if this is your first time above 8000m.

Our climbing Sherpa are hand-picked by Expedition Leader Mike Hamill and Sirdar Tendi Sherpa and are the best in the business. They are all knowledgeable, kind, strong, experienced, respectful, and very proficient.

Combine this with extra Oxygen and you will not only be safer but find yourself climbing stronger, staying warmer and mitigating chances of frostbite. Running a higher flow rate of oxygen at these extreme altitudes is hugely helpful and can be considered an extra level of insurance.