Ecuador VolcanoesDifficulty Level: Advanced Beginner to Intermediate

Ecuador Volcaones Climb

Cayembe (18,996ft) and Cotopaxi (19,347ft)
(with optional Chimborazo (20,548ft) Add-On)

Feb 1 – 11, 2021

Our Ecuador Volcanoes expedition is hugely popular because it offers serious bang for your buck, with excellent climbing in a relatively short time frame. We will tackle two high altitude gems, Cayembe and Cotopaxi during our regular program, with the added ability to tack on another Ecuadorean giant, Chimborazo.

We start with an acclimatization peak before moving on to the picturesque Cotopaxi in the south, then in a gradual altitude progression, heading North to Cayembe as our next ascent. This program is of moderate difficulty and is great for those with previous experience with crampons, ice axe and rope travel on peaks such as Mt. Rainier and Mt Blanc.

Top 5 Reasons to Climb in Ecuador (Expedition Highlights)
  1. While your friends think you are "suffering" in the mountains, you'll actually be staying in luxurious haciendas (think 400-year-old estates) boutique hotels, and well-appointed mountain huts. Not a tent in sight.
  2. Hard to get time away from the family to go climbing? Bring them along! You don't need to be a climber to enjoy the amazing hospitality, culture and landscapes of Ecuador. The luxury accommodation on this trip isn't a hard sell either!
  3. Post-climb, recover by relaxing in the healing waters of Termas Papallactas' natural hot springs and by dining at Zazu Restuarant
  4.  This is the perfect excuse to finally tick the Galapagos off your bucket list. With the trip finishing in Quito, it's a hop, skip and a jump over to this famous archipelago, which is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Abundant with wildlife, it is known as the foundation of Darwinian evolution.
  5. Oh yeah! Did we forget to mention the world-class climbing alongside incredible local guides? There are not many places in the world where you can summit 3x classic high altitude peaks in just 2 weeks!
Hear what past clients, Bruce & Mo loved about this trip...

If you are a strong and experienced high altitude climber and do well on Cotopaxi and Cayembe you may choose to add Chimborazo on to the program. Chimborazo is Ecuador’s tallest peak and the summit is the furthest point from the center of the Earth. Chimborazo can be affected by ash spewing out of nearby volcano Tungurahua making it icy with potential rock fall and the summit day is huge, encompassing technical climbing at very high altitudes. We will asses the climbing conditions on Chimborazo to let you know if this add on is possible as the expedition approaches.

These climbs are all spectacular and feel very remote despite their close proximity to Quito. In short, Ecuador is a very enjoyable country to travel and climb in with gorgeous scenery and rich culture. This program is a must for anyone looking to experience the uniqueness of climbing in Latin America.

“Amazing trip, Mike. Your team created a smooth and seamless journey for us. Thanks again for the good times.” -Steve F

Ecuador is simply an incredible country that is virtually made for climbing! The country is small so it is easy to get from peak to peak, the food is healthy and fresh, Ecuadoreans are hospitable and welcoming, accommodations are first rate…. Oh and yes, the climbing is excellent. It’s possible to get from the rainforest to the tallest peaks in hours and there are even hot springs to enjoy after our ascent of Cayembe. It’s one of the most action packed high altitude climbing trips on the planet and the best “bang for your buck” expedition available. It’s also an amazing cultural tour because of the rich culture and history of the Ecuadorean people.

Ecuador is high altitude climbing from beginning to end. We fly into Quito at 9350ft/2850m. Right from the start our bodies are working hard to get used to the rarefied air. Because of this it is of paramount importance to use a slow progression, promote hydration and temperance on hikes, and watch for symptoms of altitude illness.

The climbing in Ecuador is great preparation for those considering Aconcagua or Himalayan peaks. It consists of mostly moderate glaciated terrain with a few protected steeper sections that involve roped travel, solid cramponing and general snow climbing skills. The infrastructure in Quito and on the mountains is quite remarkable. We consider our Ecuadorian Volcanoes program to be one of our signature expeditions mainly because we love climbing there so much and the relative luxury we enjoy in between mountains! We are afforded a generous amount of time to see the country beyond just climbing on this expedition. Our local partners are the best in the business and make sure our logistics flow smoothly throughout the trip.

It’s also a bonus to climb two high altitude gems, Cotopaxi and Cayembe in one expedition the ability to tack another Ecuadorean giant, Chimborazo, should you choose to do so and conditions afford.

The Ecuadorean people are amazingly friendly and welcoming and it is a relatively easy place to travel as they readily accept American dollars and their Spanish accent is easy to understand. The cultural aspects and history of this trip make it the unique experience that it is. Keep your eyes open for Guancaos, a native Llama-like animal that inhabits high altitude terrain in parts of South America.

This expedition will be organized by Mike Hamill, Owner of Climbing the Seven Summits. Mike has personally guided well over 120 high altitude expeditions, 11 Mt. Everest expeditions, 24 X 8,000m expeditions, has 6 Everest summits, currently holds the record for most non-Sherpa summits of Cho Oyu, and has written the guide book to “Climbing the Seven Summits,” making him one of the most experienced guides in the world.

Mike has an impeccable safety record and an unmatched success rate due to his expertise and professionalism and holds all of the CTSS guides to the same high standards as he holds himself. He employs world-class leaders known for their experience, focus on client care and attention to safety.

Welcome to “Climbing the Seven Summits” signature Ecuador Volcanoes Expedition. Our Ecuador trip is one of our most popular and a favorite amongst the guides. It’s a unique experience that will leave you with the memories to last a lifetime. Personally, I love this climb because of the quality and amount of climbing, our local guides, and its close proximity to the United States making for easy travel. I get excited each time I get on the plane to Ecuador knowing I’ll be creating great memories with friends and climbing in one of my favorite countries.

Rest assured you are in good hands, we have led many trips to Ecuador, partner with only the best local logistics and operators and have summited each time and hope to maintain our 100% success rate for many years to come. You can have confidence in our CTSS experience, advice and safety standards.

Climbing Ecuador’s high altitude volcanoes is a serious undertaking and climbers should be prepared with adequate fitness. Our guides, at a ratio of no greater than 2 clients for every guide, work with you throughout the expedition to provide logistics, guidance, and information to best ensure your summit success & safety.

As one of our signature trips, our Ecuador volcanoes expedition has been designed and guided by senior mountaineers who have a huge breadth of experience, not just in Ecuador but on all the Seven Summits, to maximize our climbing and time spent enjoying the cultural experience.

I have chosen to acclimatize on the slopes of Pasachoa to take in more of the vast scenery that this lush and stunning country has to offer. We experience more of the Ecuador while allowing our climbers time to acclimatize properly, thus increasing our chance of success. We look forward to helping you achieve success on these breathtaking peaks. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly regarding the expedition if you have any further questions.


Best regards,

Mike Hamill

Owner and Director, Climbing the Seven Summits

Author of “Climbing the Seven Summits”

At CTSS we offer a variety of different climb options to customize your Ecuador experience to your climbing style and ability:

Ecuador Volcanoes Guided Climb

November 1st – 11th, 2020; $3,495 USD
January 30th – February 9th, 2021

This is our most popular option. This expedition is our traditional guided team climb which ascends both Cotopaxi and Cayembe. This is certainly one of the best “bang for your buck” climbing programs in the world!

"The mountains are unbelievable, the accommodations are world class - I don't know if I can ever sleep in a tent again- the cabins are phenomenal, the food is great, the guides are phenomenal... I can't say enough good things about it. I definitely will be back here again for sure." Maureen B

Chimborazo add on

11th -13th November 202o: $1,575 USD

This allows climbers to extend their climbing in Ecuador by adding on the mighty Chimborazo. Chimborazo is Ecuador’s tallest peak and the summit is the furthest point from the centre of the Earth. Chimborazo can be affected from ash spewing out of nearby volcano Tungurahua making it icy with potential rock fall. We will asses the climbing conditions on Chimborazo to let you know if this add on is possible as the expedition approaches.

Galapagos Extension

USD, 1,975 per person (based on twin share) 

Celebrate your Ecuador climbing expedition and end your trip on a high note by exploring the Galapagos. This custom built trip extension for CTSS clients includes 4 day/3 night tour of the highlights of the archipelago, walk in the footsteps of Darwin and experience one of the most bio-diverse places on the planet.

Day 1: Transfer in – Twin Craters – Highlands of Santa Cruz (includes lunch)

  • Meet your naturalist guide of the National Park of Galápagos at the airport
  • Cross the Itacaba channel by boat to  Santa Cruz Island, private transfer to Puerto Ayora
  •  Check in to the hotel and receive snorkelling gear before lunch at a local restaurant
  • Walk with wild giant tortoises in the highlands and explore underground lava tunnels. Visit Los Gemelos before overnighting on Puerto Ayora

Day 2: DAILY TOUR Alternatives: South Plazas, or North Seymour, or Isabela, or Floreana, or Santa Fe, or Bartolome (Includes breakfast, boxed lunch)  Departures depend on availability and authorization of the Galapagos National Park.

  • South Plazas – The island is home to enormous prickly pear cactus and the endemic succulent sesuvian and has one of the largest populations of land iguanas in the Galapagos.
  • North Seymour –  In the north of Baltra is the small islet of North Seymour. A bird lover’s dream, the island with its rocky coast is perfect for visiting the colonies of blue-footed boobies and magnificent frigate birds.
  • Floreana – This island has long been a favourite for pirates, whalers, early settlers and today’s travellers. Floreana’s volcano has been long extinct and is in the advanced stages of erosion which has created rich, fertile soil. This diversified landscape is flourishing with native and introduced flora. Walk through a place called “Asilo de l a Paz” to find “La Cueva de los Piratas” (The Pirate’s cave) and observe the giant tortoises in their typical habitat before going snorkelling at the Black Beach.
  • Santa Fe –  Go hiking & snorkelling. Explore the giant Opuntia cactus forest and discover land iguanas that are unique to this island. These rare reptiles are easiest to find early in the morning or late in the afternoon. A two-hour trail boasts sensational views and the chance to see some endemic vegetation including Scalesia whilst the bay offers up relaxing swimming and snorkelling opportunities
  • Bartolome – This small island is famous for the photogenic pinnacle of rock that looks sheared away from the cliff.  Embark on a trail that passes different lava formation and pioneer vegetation before reaching the summit offering beautiful views of the surrounding islands. Penguins can sometimes be observed while swimming or snorkelling

DAY 3: PUERTO AYORA – TOUR BAY – Free time to explore, Charles Darwin Research Station or Tortuga Bay (includes breakfast)

In the morning, enjoy a bay tour on the “Love Channel” and observe reef sharks. Continue the tour with a short walk to see the marine iguanas that inhabit the “Playas de los Perros”

In the afternoon you have free time to explore, with suggestions to see the Charles Darwin Research Station which also houses a Giant Tortoise breeding centre or visit Tortuga Bay beach. Perhaps, the most beautiful beach in the Galapagos where you can swim, snorkel and observe colonies of marine iguanas, pelicans, Darwin’s finches, sharks, sea turtles etc.

DAY 4: SANTA CRUZ – BALTRA Airport (includes Breakfast)

After breakfast, you will be transferred to Baltra airport


  • Transfer IN and OUT (Baltra Airport – Hotel – Baltra Airport)
  • Speedboat Santa Cruz – Isabela – Santa Cruz
  • Accommodation in double room
  • Naturalist guide (English / Spanish)
  • All meals according to the itinerary B: Breakfast L: Lunch D: Dinner BL: Box lunch
  • Daily Excursions as per itinerary

Not Included:

  • Transfers Hotel – Quito or Guayaquil Airport – Hotel
  • Single supplement room
  • Air tickets Quito – Galapagos – Quito
  • GALAPAGOS National Park entrance (USD 100 per person to be paid in cash at Balta’s airport)
  • Transit Control card ($20 per person)
  • Extra beverages and meals
  • Tips
  • Other non-specified expenses
  • Travel insurance

Ecuador Volcanoes Private Climb: 1:1 Client to Guide Ratio

Contact Us For Date Availability: $13,950 USD

Having your own private guide climbing with you can be an indispensable advantage! A private guide allows you to dictate the schedule, amend it depending on how you’re feeling, customize a program. A private guide is like a coach who can give you valuable feedback and make your climbing experience more enjoyable overall and of course be on the close lookout for any signs of altitude sickness or medical issues.. Although summits are obviously never guaranteed, this is a great way to stack the odds in your favor.

Ecuadorean Volcanoes Speed Ascent w/ Private Guide and Hypoxic Pre-acclimatization Chamber

Contact Us for Dates & Availability: $15,950, USD

CTSS offers select climbers our “Speed Ascent” option which employs state-of-the-art technology to allow you to summit in less time. If you are short on time and want to make the round trip safely but as quickly as possible, this is the ideal option. We use a time-tested training program in conjunction with the use of a portable hypoxic altitude chamber to pre-acclimate your body to the rarefied air found at altitude. This option is perfect for those who want to minimize time away from home while still stacking the odds in their favor for summit success.

Having your own private guide climbing with you can be an indispensable advantage and allow you to customize your itinerary and program to fit your schedule. A personal guide will give you total autonomy and control over your trip, and they can coach you throughout the expedition, give you valuable feedback and make your climbing experience more enjoyable overall and of course be on the close lookout for any signs of altitude sickness or medical issues.

Although summits are obviously never guaranteed, there is no better way to stack the odds in your favor than climbing with a private guide.

This expedition provides a Private guide at a 1:1 ratio, logistical oversight by expedition leader Mike Hamill, logistics, food, team gear, and support for a summit attempt on both Cotopaxi and Cayembe. Whether you’re a less experienced climber or have climbed at altitude many times before, our speed ascent private climb with 1:1 Private Guide will give you the best chance at standing on top of these beautiful peaks in less time than the normal expedition.


All prices are in US Dollars.

CTSS requires clients to buy trip insurance for all expeditions. Please see our page on trip insurance and cancellation policy for more information.

All payments once submitted are non-refundable and non-transferable. If balances are not received by specified dates, the client forfeits their place on the program and any prior fees paid.

Single rooming option: $1000

We are happy to organize single rooming accommodations throughout the expedition for you. (Due to local pricing, please note that this is more expensive than other expedition rooming upgrades)

If you aren’t price sensitive, you snore or you are easily awakened by others that do snore this might be a great option.

We feel that having a single room helps climbers stay healthy and adds a bit of comfort and personal space that can go a long way. If you would like a single rooming option please let us know.

Please note that tent accommodations on the mountain are double-occupancy for safety and warmth.

Expedition Itineraries

The following is a sample daily schedule of our Ecuadorean Volcanoes Program:

Day 1- Arrive in Quito

Day 2- Gear Checks/Equator Visit/Old Town Tour

Day 3- Climb Pasachoa

Day 4- Travel to Cotopaxi for training

Day 5- Hike to the hut on Cotopaxi

Day 6- Climb Cotopaxi

Day 7- Drive to the refuge on Cayembe

Day 8- Acclimatization Day/Possible summit day

Day 9- Climb Cayembe & drive to Thermas Papallacta Thermal Hot Springs 

Day 10- Drive to Quito and Celebration Dinner

Day 11- Fly Home/Chimborazo Add-On climbers travel to Whymper Refuge

Day 12 – Chimborazo Add-On climbers climb Chimborazo/Return to Quito

Day 13 – Chimborazo Add-On climbers fly home

Difficulty: Advanced Beginner to Intermediate

Climbing Ecuador’s volcanoes requires solid fitness and an ability to perform well at altitude, but it is not beyond the abilities of many people who are willing to train for the climb and work hard on the trip. Prior use of crampons and an ice axe is preferred but not mandatory as we will do a brief snow school for those with experience to touch up their skills and for others to become familiar. If you want to join this expedition but feel unsure of your ability, chat to us as we can work with you to get you up to speed prior to the climb as we take immense pride in helping people achieve their goals.

Gear List: Check the gear list. Pack and repack to make sure you know your gear. The gear on the gear list is mandatory to allow you to have a safe, successful climb as well as your entire team. If you have any questions we’re here to help.

Travel Gear:

  • Travel Wallet: It should sling over your shoulder and lay discreetly next to your body
  • Passport, cash and travel documents: Make sure to have a print out of all travel documents, pen, plenty of cash for the trip, and your passport handy.
  • Casual Shoes/Dressy shoes/Sneakers: Light weight foot wear for travel, around town, and for dining at some of the nicer establishments where we stay.
  • 1 XXL Duffel Bags: Heavy PVC duffel bags hold up to abuse and pack well. If you can’t get everything in one duffel you may decide to bring another small one.
  • 2 Locks for Duffel bags: It is best to not tempt anyone into going through your gear so one lock per duffel is smart. TSA-type locks that customs officials can access and re-lock are handy as are zip-ties that can be cut off and put back on easily.
  • Casual/Dressy Travel Clothes: It’s great to have some casual clothes for traveling from climb to climb and some dressier clothes for dining at some of the nicer haciendas that we stay at.
  • Hotel vouchers if laying over en route to Ecuador: If you have extended layovers make sure to pre-book a hotel and print out the voucher. Our travel agent can help you with this.


Lower Body:

  • Medium weight trekking boots: Comfortable boots with plenty of ankle support and warmth to trek to moderate altitudes in.
  • 3 pairs of climbing socks, synthetic or wool: 1 medium weight for lower altitudes, and 2 heavier weight for summit days. They must not be too tight when used with climbing boots.
  • Double climbing boots: Warm plastic double boots such as the Scarpa Inverno, La Sportiva Spantik, and La Sportiva Baruntse are ideal. Triple Boots are overkill and will be too warm. Single leather boots are not enough for the summit days!
  • Medium weight gaiters: Must fit your boots. They will be used on the summit days.
  • Chemical foot warmers: Optional, if needed. Some people use foot warmers for high altitude climbing and swear by them, others don’t. If you get cold feet you should seriously consider purchasing a pair of boot warmers and fitting them to your boots. They could prevent you from needing to turn around on summit day with cold feet.
  • 2 pairs of long underwear: 1 thin and 1 medium weight. They will be worn underneath climbing pants so make sure the climbing pants will fit over them.
  • 5 pairs of underwear: 2 pairs of synthetic underwear for climbing, 3 pairs cotton underwear for off mountain use.
  • 2 pair of synthetic climbing pants: 1 thin and 1 medium weight. They need to fit over the synthetic under layers. Scholler type pants or quick drying zip-off pants are both great options.
  • 1 pair of Gore-tex type full-zippered waterproof shell pants: Must be able to fit over your long underwear AND climbing pants together for warmth on summit day. These must be full zipper and should be light weight. They need to fit over your synthetic under layer and climbing pant combination to layer for warmth. They must be waterproof and breathable.


Upper body:

  • Casual shirts/tops for travel
  • 2 synthetic under layers: 1 light, 1 medium. These must fit underneath your mid weight layers. The light one will be for trekking days and the medium weight for summit days. A zippered collar is a nice option to have.
  • 2 medium weight layers: 1 synthetic pile jacket like a soft shell or fleece, 1 down puffy jacket. These two layers must be able to be worn in unison over the synthetic under layer and underneath the water proof shell jacket and down jacket. They should be light and one should have a hood.
  • 1 waterproof shell jacket: This needs to fit over your medium weight pile layers and be light weight, waterproof, and breathable.
  • 1 heavy weight down jacket: This is to be worn at the huts and on the summit days. It must be able to fit over your other layers and have a hood. It doesn’t need to be an 8,000m parka but should be the step just below.


Head and Hands:

  • 2 buff neck gaiters: These can be worn on the dusty drives to avoid sickness and on the mountain to warm and humidify the air.
  • 1 face mask: A full face mask that can cover all of the skin on your face when used in unison with goggles is a necessity for cold, windy days.
  • 2 heavy weight winter hats/beanies
  • 1 sun/baseball hat: A sun hat that protects the neck is a great addition to your gear for trekking and on the mountain.
  • 1 light weight pair of fleece/synthetic gloves: These may be used on their own or underneath the warmer glove and mitten layers
  • 1 heavy weight pair of climbing gloves: These can be used on their own or with a lighter pair of fleece liners higher on the mountain when climbing in cold weather. They are required gear and should be warm enough to climb to the summit in. Gloves have more dexterity than mittens for manipulating gear so they should be worn as much as possible as long as your hands are warm.
  • 1 heavy weight pair of down mitts: These are used as a back-up if you were to drop a glove or if it is extremely cold and you need a layer warmer than heavy climbing gloves. They should fit over a lighter fleece liner glove.
  • Hand warmers: Like foot warmers, some people use hand warmers, others don’t. If you get cold hands you should consider bringing them although they don’t burn very warm due to the low oxygen at higher altitudes needed for the chemical reaction to take place.
  • 2 pairs of Glacier glasses (one spare): These must block out as much light as possible and be the darkest level of protection (Cat 4). Removable side shields are useful. Bring a spare pair in case one is lost or broken.
  • 2 pairs of goggles (1 pair is ok): 1 clear lens and 1 dark lens. The light pair will be worn on summit nights when it is dark if it is really cold and windy, and the dark pair the rest of the climb. They both should block UVA/UVB and fans are quite effective.
  • Prescription eyewear: If you wear prescription eye wear make sure to figure out how you will deal with tis on the mountain when it is cold, dusty, and windy. Many people purchase prescription glacier glasses and goggles to use up high and use glasses and contacts down low.
  • Sunscreen: At least SPF 30, zinc based and long lasting.


Personal Gear:

  • Trekking Poles: These must be collapsible and fit in your duffel bags. A medium sized snow basket is recommended.
  • Climbing Pack (doubles as a carry-on travel pack): Light weight 70 liter pack for climbing. We need to make a short hike carrying our gear up to the hut on Cotopaxi, hence the 70 liter pack. We recommend not bringing a second smaller pack for summit days.
  • Pack cover: This is convenient if it rains for keeping your pack and its contents dry. It must fit your pack.
  • Umbrella: An umbrella is nice to have if it rains. Buy a large one with a long handle.
  • 1 sleeping bag: 1 rated to 0F or -10F: This should be made of down and be light weight.
  • 2 headlamps; 1 medium sized and 1 small sized as a backup both with extra batteries. The main headlamp must be bright but light weight and the other will be used as a back-up. Bring extra batteries for both.
  • Batteries and/or power bank: 8 AA batteries and 8 AAA batteries depending on what your electronics use. Make sure to have enough batteries for all your electronics and gadgets or a separate power bank.
  • 2 X 1 liter water bottles, wide mouth Nalgene-type.
  • 2 X water bottle covers (jackets): These must fit over your water bottles and be as insulating as possible.
  • 1 X .5L thermos (optional): This will be used high on the mountain to make sure you always have unfrozen water. Make sure it insulates well and doesn’t leak. It is also nice for carrying hot tea on the route with you.
  • Snack food: Dinners and breakfasts will be provided but be sure to bring enough palatable personal snack food as you will need on the mountain. We recommend 3 pounds/1.5 kilograms. It needs to be palatable when you don’t want to eat at altitude. Specialty items such as “Gu”, “Nuun”, and shot blocks are excellent.
  • Water purification (optional): Iodine tablets, filter or UV treatment. We will boil all the water you will need to drink while on the trip. However, since it is boiled it takes a while to cool. If you want cold water then bring personal water purification. You can buy bottled water while in town, but it is nice to not create more trash than necessary and save some money. We don’t recommend drinking un-purified water out of the tap in Ecuador.
  • Books and/or Kindle and music: It’s nice to have entertainment while at the huts and haciendas
  • Camera: Lightweight is good for the mountain but you can bring a heavier one for the drive and in to base camps. Make sure to bring plenty of storage and your battery charger. Many people just bring their iPhones on climbs now.
  • Multitool: Good for around camp but make sure not to cut yourself with the knife!
  • Toilet paper (1 roll):
  • Altitude watch: Knowing your altitude is important in the mountains. Everyone should have an altitude watch.
  • Sun screen: SPF 30 or higher. Make sure to bring enough for the entire expedition.
  • Hand Sanitizer: Bring several small bottles to keep in your pocket at all times
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Nail trimmers
  • Baby wipes: These are invaluable while at the mountain huts for personal hygiene and cleaning up.
  • Basic medical kit: Should include: blister kit, low dose aspirin, band-aids, wound closure strips, triple antibiotic ointment, basic repair kit, scissors, diamox (acetezolomide, 125mg) for AMS, niphedepine (for pulmonary edema, time release), dexamethazone (for cerebral edema, 4mg), antacids, NSAIDs such as aspirin or ibuprophen, anti-diahrheal, duct tape, ear plugs, Antibiotics (upper respiratory such as Azithromycin and a gastero-intestinal such as Ciproflaxin), melatonin, Athsma medication if you use it (Advair), cold and flu medication,


Climbing gear:

  • Harness: This should be lightweight and have detachable leg loops.
  • 1 locking carabiner and 2 non-locking carabiner
  • Helmet: There are a few sections with rock fall and ice fall potential.
  • Ice axe: Bring an alpine axe that is long enough for walking and has a leash.
  • Crampons: 12 point crampons that MUST fit your boots perfectly. Once we get on the mountain there is no option to change crampons so a proper fit is crucial. We will double-check the fit during the gear checks.

Thanks for your interest in our expeditions. We're looking forward to climbing with you!

To apply for our expeditions, please contact us to send you an application packet.


1. Fill in the application form (you can fill it out digitally or print and scan) and email it back to us at:
2. Pay your 25% deposit (wire transfers are preferred and the details are on the application form. Credit cards attract a merchant surcharge)
3. Upon receiving your application and your deposit, and accepting you onto the trip, we will then issue you an invoice reflecting that and your balance amount and due date
4. Please send us the remainder of the forms to which are due 4 months of departure along with your balance.
5. At the same time, please send a copy of the photo page of the passport you intend to travel on and a copy of your trip insurance*

*It’s worth noting most insurers require you to take out a policy within 14 days of paying a deposit for their trip cancellation/interruption clauses. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like recommendations on who we use for our guide’s insurance etc.

Travel can be booked through our partner travel agent: Pirjo DeHart at CTT Destinations.

  • Best expedition at a great value: CTSS believes in providing our clients with the highest quality service in the industry at a great value. Climbing and trekking is our passion, and our goal is to share these unique places and experiences with you. We want you to feel good about your experience because we believe word-of-mouth is the best advertising, and that begins with satisfied customers. There is a difference between our expeditions and those of our competitors, especially local cut-rate options. In choosing us, you are hiring the finest guides and logistical support in the industry. Benefiting from many Kilimanjaro expeditions, well over 100 high altitude expeditions, and drawing on decades of first hand guiding experience, we have worked hard to refine our logistics in order to offer you the highest chance of success at an exceptional value.
  • We are a modestly sized guide service with highly personalized service: We maintain a moderate size so that we can tailor our Ecuador climbing experience to you. Not all climbers are the same, which is why Mike Hamill will work with you directly to make sure you choose only the programs that are right for you.
  • Ecuadorean culture: We put an emphasis on experiencing Ecuadorean culture throughout our expedition. Ecuador has such a vast and beautiful history it would be a shame to not experience this during a visit to the country. We immerse ourselves in the flare of the local people while sampling some of the best and most quintessential food and accommodations that the region has to offer.
  • Leadership: CTSS owner Mike Hamill oversees all of our Ecuadorean volcanoes programs. Mike’s almost unparalleled experience base at high altitude can make the difference between success and failure. He and his team have been constantly refining our logistics over many expeditions to Ecuador and hundreds world-wide. Let Mike guide you through the many nuances of climbing Cotopaxi and Cayembe that will allow you to be successful. From start to finish, he and his team will work with you to make sure you’re as prepared as possible to reach your goal of standing on top. Often being able to trouble shoot problems before they occur can make the difference, and this is where Mike’s vast experience becomes crucial.
  • Best guides: The quality of an expedition is, in large part, dictated by the individual guide(s) leading the trip. CTSS hires only the finest guides operating at the highest standards for client care who are highly trained, well respected in the industry, and close friends that we trust. The have excellent personalities and are some of the most experienced professionals in the world. Mike and the rest of our team are strong leaders who maintain high standards. Our guides make our company what it is and have extensive resumes of personal climbs, high altitude guiding, and certifications. All our lead guides maintain at least a Wilderness First Responder medical standard. Our local guides around the world are the best in the industry and do an amazing job helping you attain your goals and navigating local obstacles.
  • Low client to guide ratio: We operate all of our trips at a low client to guide ratio which offers you a better, safer, and more personalized experience.
  • Safety: Our primary goal at CTSS is safety. We have an unparalleled safety record and our clientele’s well-being factors in to every decision we make while on expeditions. Although we like to stand on the top of mountains more than anyone, we believe that climbing is a round trip endeavor and getting you back to your loved ones safely is paramount. We take many safety precautions including bringing multiple communication devices, high altitude safety equipment, medical kits, and the highest quality gear to ensure a safe environment in which to climb.
  • Success: Success rates on expeditions under Mike’s leadership are among the best in the business. Mike has maintained 100% summit success rate for all expeditions under his direct guidance on one or more of Ecuador’s volcanoes. This is a testament to our quality of service and attention to detail. Mike and our team of guides are incredibly proud of their summit success and work hard to get their clients to the top. As Mike says, “You can’t buy a summit, but you can buy better odds.” With our expertise, experience and infrastructure, you can stack those odds in your favor. We offer a longer acclimatization progression for proper acclimatization and to mitigate the risks of altitude sickness. Many guide services race their clients up the mountain, especially local companies, to cut corners on costs. We are highly invested in our reputation for safety and success and are always striving to improve our programs to maintain our hard-earned status. Decision making in the mountains is supremely important, and our guides are the best in the business, have a hunger to summit whenever it’s safe to do so, and have a proven track record. All of our programs acclimatize conservatively to mitigate the risk of having altitude issues and to give them the highest chance of success.
  • Why choose us? Because of you! We consistently attract the best clients and believe this is because we offer the highest quality expedition at great value. Our clientele takes the time to educate themselves about their options and continue to choose us. We feel that surrounding yourself with the right people will make you successful, and that goes for guide service owners, guides, and even those with whom you climb. Having a team with the right attitude and camaraderie is a key factor in making you successful.
  • Logistics: We have led countless high altitude expeditions and constantly strive to refine our logistics, allowing you to focus on climbing, safety and success. We eat well and live well on expedition. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible while on your climb to not be distracted from the task at hand. We feel that comfortable and well-fed climbers are successful climbers and that these creature-comforts go a long way to making your time in the backcountry enjoyable. We strive to work with the best local outfitters and provide the best local logistics hands down.
  • Updates: In today’s connected world people want to know how things are going on expedition. CTSS maintains regular updates on our blog to keep friends and families informed. This can relieve a lot of the stress loved ones have when you’re away on climbing. We want to make the climb as stress-free for both the climber and the folks back home.
  • Professional Business Practices: Running a professional guide service that you feel comfortable putting your trust in is important to us. We comply with all local, state, federal and international laws. We hope that this makes you feel more confident about choosing us and our programs.
  • Enjoyment: This is your vacation, and you’re here to have a good time. Our goal is to give you the experience of a lifetime, inspire you in the mountains, and to have a great time doing it. This, again, comes back to our guides; they all have great personalities, and their love for the mountain is contagious.

“Again, thanks for an awesome adventure. It’s the people, the friendship and the camaraderie that make up for more than half of the experience. Thanks for being so great!! and getting me up and down that hill safely. I look forward to climbing with you again in the future.” Jason V


“Thank you again for the trip of a lifetime” -Rick B

“Great leaders like Mike inspire and lead people to take on challenges and achieve great things.” -Tim Igo

Climbing the Seven Summits’ primary aim is to help you attain your personal climbing and trekking goals while experiencing the best of our planet, its unique cultures and environments.

We strive to offer the highest quality mountaineering expeditions and treks at a great value while focusing on our primary goals: safety, success, and enjoyment.

We achieve this by bringing our extensive experience, top of the line logistics  individualized service, and world-class guides to each adventure we undertake.

To give our clients the highest possible chance at success we are detailed in our approach, ensuring we’ve dotted our ‘i’s and crossed our ‘t’s. We provide personalized service, employ conservative acclimatization schedules, use top of the line mountaineering, camping and communications gear, hire only the best mountain leaders and we don’t skimp on costs.

Our expeditions strive to set the highest standards and climb in “good style”. By this we mean prioritising the wellbeing and safety of our teams, leaving no trace on the environments we operate in, respecting culture, contributing to local economies by employing regional partners and paying them higher than the industry standard and working in a self-sufficient and self-reliant way. We promote a responsible approach to adventure travel by connecting people to the natural world and giving back to local communities by donating a percentage of every expedition to ‘Tiger of the Snows Fund”

We take immense pride in our expeditions and this shows in the positive feedback we receive from our teams who form lasting friendships forged in the mountains as they work together and overcome tough challenges.


  • Guides
  • Accommodations at double-occupancy
  • Transportation: All group transportation while on the expedition. If you depart early then the added expenses for transport, lodging, rescue, and evacuation is your own responsibility. (Please note this doesn’t include airport transfers)
  • Food: While we’re on the mountain dinners and breakfasts will be provided but it’s best to supplement as usual with a few pounds of your favorite snack and climbing food. Make sure it’s palatable up high.

Not Included:

  • Flights to and from Ecuador
  • Airport transfers (to & from the hotel at the beginning and end of the trip)
  • Any extensions prior or post the specified itinerary (however we can help you plan these add-ons). Please inform us if we need to book extra accommodations for you.
  • All restaurant meals: We will just split the bill at the end of each meal, please note meals at mountain huts are included
  • Personal gear: all personal climbing gear is the responsibility of the client
  • In the event of a rescue, evacuation, or early departure from the group, any rescue expenses incurred or excess expenses above and beyond our normal trip costs including transport, hotels, evacuation, flight changes, and gear shipping are the responsibility of the client.
  • Guide Tip (Customary but optional)
  • Required trip insurance policy (for trip cancellation, interruption, rescue & evacuation, medical treatment, repatriation, etc.)
  • Single Occupancy rooming: If you would like single rooms you may add this on by paying a fee with your application or balance. Please inform us if you would like single occupancy rooming
  • Snack food: We recommend bringing about 3lbs/1.5kg of snack food that you know you like and will be able to eat at altitude when you’re not hungry.
  • Bar tabs, mini bars, hotel internet bills, laundry etc

Climbing the Seven Summits’ primary aim is to help you attain your personal climbing and trekking goals while experiencing the best of our planet, its unique cultures. and environments.

We strive to offer the highest quality mountaineering expeditions and treks at a great value while focusing on our primary goals: safety, success, and enjoyment.

We achieve this by bringing our extensive experience, top-of-the-line logistics, individualized and world-class guides to each adventure we undertake.

To give our clients the highest possible chance at success we are detailed in our approach, ensuring we’ve dotted our ‘i’s and crossed our ‘t’s. We provide personalized service, employ conservative acclimatization schedules, use top-of-the-line mountaineering, camping, and communications gear, hire only the best mountain leaders, and we don’t skimp on costs.

Our expeditions strive to set the highest standards and climb in “good style.” By this, we mean prioritizing the well-being and safety of our teams, leaving no trace on the environments we operate in, respecting culture, contributing to local economies by employing regional partners and paying them higher than the industry standard, and working in a self-sufficient and self-reliant way. We promote a responsible approach to adventure travel by connecting people to the natural world and giving back to local communities by donating a percentage of every expedition to the Tiger of the Snows Fund.

We take immense pride in our expeditions, and this shows in the positive feedback we receive from our teams who form lasting friendships forged in the mountains as they work together and overcome tough challenges.

Please visit our Client Testimonials page for quotes reflecting CTSS leadership and experience. If you would like to talk to previous customers as references, please contact us, and we can put you in touch with many satisfied climbers. Please feel free to give us a call or send us an email, and we will be happy to discuss the expedition with you. Joining a climbing or trekking expedition is a big deal, and it’s important to feel comfortable with the expedition leadership. The majority of our clients are return customers because of their overwhelmingly positive experiences.

  • -Quito is one of the world’s highest major cities at 9,350ft high
  • -A French expedition ventured to the wilds of Ecuador in the 18th century in order to determine the circumference of the earth. This was a miserable and ill-fated expeditions plagued by terrible luck.
  • -The summit of Chimborazo is the furthest point from the center of the Earth.
  • -Climbing Ecuador’s volcanoes are convenient due to the close proximity of the mountains to Quito.

Ecuador FAQ

CTSS requires clients to buy trip insurance for all expeditions. Please see our page on trip insurance and cancellation policy for more information.

All payments once submitted are non-refundable and non-transferable. If balances are not received by specified dates, the client forfeits their place on the program and any prior fees paid.

“Again, thanks for an awesome adventure. It’s the people, the friendship and the camaraderie that make up for more than half of the experience. Thanks for being so great!! and getting me up and down that hill safely. I look forward to climbing with you again in the future.” Jason V

 “Thank you again for the trip of a lifetime” -Rick B


“Thanks for a great trip! Can’t wait for the next adventure with you!”

-Masha G

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