After a relaxed start in Quito, it was time to head off and up. A spectacular hike up Fuya Fuya on day 2 took place in perfect weather and was a great start to our climbing, and the views were really amazing! Overnight at a lovely lodge in Otavalo and the next morning the adventure continued heading to the refugio at Cayambe. Roadworks on the 4×4 track to the Refugio meant a longer hike than normal. When the mountains don’t throw curveballs, the local road works do! If you’ve climbed Cayambe already you’ll know just how much that road needs a bit of TLC.
Day 3 started early, so we could get some solid training on the glacier in preparation for our summit push the following day. Some gear checks and an early night but not before a birthday celebration! A bit of sleep and we got an early start for the summit at midnight. Given how busy it was, that was a good decision.
Cayambe’s summit wasn’t so accommodating as the misty weather and zero visibility quickly turned to wet snow on the glacier and made a summit impossible. The team worked hard through deep wet snow to reach 17,000ft (5,180m) before turning around, still a big day out in the mountains even without a summit. On the flip side, after descending the team headed for Papallacta spa resort and their relaxing hot springs!
Yesterday was a move from Papallacta to the beautiful Chilcabamba Lodge as the team head for Illiniza Sur today. Some great forecasts for both Iliniza and Chimborazo have the guys pumped and ready to tag some summits!