25th April
The team are doing amazingly well and are right on, if not slightly ahead of schedule.
Our Western Guided Team have enjoyed a few days of rest at Base Camp, getting massages, recharging with Chef Marc David and Chef Kumar’s delicious food and doing training drills in the lower part of the icefall. They are planning to kick off their 2nd rotation tonight (local Nepalese time) and will be moving up through the icefall in the early hours when it is most stable. Their goal is to tag Camp 3 and their schedule is fluid to take best advantage of how they are feeling and the conditions on the mountain etc. We will welcome them back to Base Camp in about 5 days.
We welcomed back to Base Camp after a successful rotation, many of our Private 1:1 climbers; Lisa with Guide Prakash, Rajat with Guide Pega, Olivier with Guide Casey, Jen with Guide Big Pasang, they will rest and recover now before planning their next rotation in a few days.
Above Base Camp we have Taylor with Guide Naren, Matt with Guide Kami, Roberto with Guide Pasang Tendi, Zukey with Guide Vinay, Kevin with Guide Ashish, Tom L with Guide Tomi, Tracy with Guide Mark Postle. They have tagged Camp 2 and are sleeping at Camp 1 for another night before they will drop back down to Base Camp to mark the end of their first rotation.
Moving up the mountain and sleeping at Camp 1, we also have our Seattle 40 Day Speed Ascenders! as well as Rohan, Damian (our Lhotse climber) and Ludivine. They will look to tag Camp 2 tomorrow before returning for a second night at Camp 1.
Meanwhile; 30 Day Speed Ascenders, Rob & Kirstie have been doing drills in the lower part of the icefall and ladder training, and Neil F who diverted for a climb of Lobuche but faced some heavy snow on the route, has pivoted and come into Base Camp. They will start eyeing the schedule to begin their first rotation.
All is well on team CTSS!
Pics from the CTSS archive.