We are pleased to announce that our entire 2024 Everest team is now off the mountain.

Most flew back to Kathmandu, which means it’s now time for a celebratory long and hot shower and, hopefully, a deep and restful night’s sleep at low altitude for all of our climbers, guides, and Sherpas.

Darragh and Aga are descending by foot, enjoying the down trek through the Khumbu Valley. This duo is taking the time to process and appreciate all that they have experienced before coming back to civilization.

As a team we now turn out attention to packing up camp, sweeping the mountain of gear, and removing any trace of our expedition from Everest Base Camp and the various high camps along the route. Here at Climbing the Seven Summits, we are firm believers in Leave No Trace (many of our guides ever carry Leave No Trace certifications) and we are proud to uphold these standards on all of our expeditions, Everest included.

Jesse and Tomi on the Hillary Step May 22, no crowds. Photo Credit: Tomi Ceppi