Our two teams on the Mount Baker were busy today!

First up, our private climb guided by CTSS guides Willie and Victoria summited Mount Baker early this morning. A massive congratulations goes out to:

  • Becky N
  • Jeff F
  • Meghan T
  • Sophia C
  • Nico S
  • Noah S.
  • Guide Willie W.
  • Gudie Victoria G.

Summit success for our private team. (Photo Credit: Willie W.)

Our 5-Day Mount Baker Alpine Academy led by CTSS Guides Kat and Dani has been in a skills frenzy and today they put those new skills into practice. Climbing just behind Willie and Victoria’s team, this team made it to 8,300 feet before turning back to base camp. The entire team is thrilled with the new skills they are learning and all of us are super proud of their budding skills! Photo Credit: Kat S.