Manaslu Team Back at Base Camp

More good news coming in from Nepal! Our team on Manaslu is safely back to Base Camp just ahead of a huge storm that will be dropping about a meter (or about three feet) of snow across the region. After their final acclimatization rotation, Senior Guide Tendi Sherpa made the call to push to the summit with limited rest because their weather window had arrived. They knew a storm was about to roll in and this was the opportunity.

Tendi reported that all of the climbers and Sherpas show incredible mental and physical strength on the mountain. We’re incredibly thankful and proud of the entire team for showing an incredible display of grit and determination. Here’s to another great climb on Manaslu! Photos below from Tendi Sherpa.

There is nothing quite like standing on (nearly) the top of the world!

A safe and successful climb on Manaslu for all of our clients and guides.

A huge thank you to Senior Guide Tendi Sherpa for his guidance and grace on another CTSS expedition.