Hello all,

A quick one today, our Western Guided/International team did a great job tagging Camp 3 today and will spend the night at Camp Two before returning to Base Camp tomorrow having finished their 2nd rotation.

Our IFMGA team rolled back into Base Camp having finished their rotation and are now resting up, and enjoying all the joys of Kumar’s cooking, ready for their summit bid. Nice work team!

Private Team Mark and Big Tendi are now awaiting a summit window and Speed Ascent climber Ed and Tendi are at Camp One moving to Camp 2 tomorrow, along with Aditi & Anuja climbing with Guide Lam Babu.

It looks like the jet will move over the mountain South between the 9th -11th of May which should see a decrease in winds, ushering in a period of good summit rope fixing weather and summit weather.

Stay tuned,


*Feature Image: Wayne Morris