Our Ecuador Volcanos private expedition is cruising along as their summit streak continues!

After climbing Illiniza Norte, the team headed to Cayambe. They pushed through windy and cloudy weather and contended with less than ideal terrain conditions, but at 8:00 am local time yesterday, they proudly stood on the summit of Cayambe at 18,996 ft!

From Cayambe, the team headed to the Papallacta Spa Resort, where they relaxed and enjoyed the thermal waters – one of our favorite post-climb activities in Ecuador. But the fun begins again today as they head to Chimborazo Lodge (13,123 ft) to start their final climb of the expedition to the summit of Chimborazo (20,548 ft)!

We are hoping for continued success for the team. Stay tuned for an update on Chimborazo in the coming days!

Photos from CTSS Guide Edgar Parra

It was windy and cloudy but it didn’t stop our private team on Cayambe.

Making their way across the glacier on Cayambe.

A few breaks in the clouds offered up impressive views of the Ecuadorian landscape below.

A summit success at Cayambe (18,996 ft) – congrats to the team!