Our Ecuador Volcanoes private expedition continued onto Illiniza Norte (16,818ft) with a successful summit. The weather held out, and rain greeted them at the summit, but that didn’t slow them down. The team climbed from the hut to the summit and back to the hut in just 5 hours! Go team!

Our Alpine Athletics team started Monday with a glacier skills session on Cayambe. After a hearty dinner, they began their summit ascent at 10 pm local time. Our guide reported beautiful weather on the summit with a team of happy (and tired) climbers!

The following climbers summited Cayambe (18,996ft):

  • Lisa T.
  • Courtney H.
  • CTSS Guide Lucy M.

From there, they explored the beautiful markets of Otavalo, then transferred to Papallacta Hot Springs to enjoy and relax after their successful climb. Congrats to the entire Alpine Athletics team!

Photos from CTSS Guide Edgar Parra

Feeling good on the summit of Illiniza Norte (16,818ft).

Ecuador’s volcanic landscape comes to life at sunrise!

Congrats on the successful summit of Illiniza Norte (16,818ft)!

Our Ecuador Volcanoes private expedition on the descent from Illiniza Norte (16,818ft).

Photos from CTSS Guide Lucy Mejia

Our Alpine Athletics team on Cayambe (18,996ft).

Glacier skills on slopes of Cayambe (18,996ft).