Our Ecuador Volcanoes private expedition is off to a fantastic start! Over the weekend, the team hit the ground running. On Saturday, they hiked and summited Pasochoa (13,878ft), an extinct volcano. On Sunday, they climbed and summited Corazon Peak (15,708ft). Next, they are headed to the Nuevos Horizontes Hut, where they will gear up to climb Illiniza.

Our Alpine Athletics team is busy climbing in Ecuador! The weather turned around for them, and they had fantastic climbing conditions this weekend. The team is currently on Cayambe (18,996ft) with perfect weather still lingering, and we hope for a summit today!

Photo from Lucy Mejia

All eyes on Cayambe for our Alpine Athletics team

Photos from CTSS Guide Edgar Parra

Acclimating and feeling good for our private team!

Pasochoa summit (13,878ft/4230m) under perfect conditions.

We love llamas, just about as much as we love Ecuador!

8 hours of climbing to Corazon Peak (15,708ff/4,788m) – well done team!