Our team on Manaslu has been busy! After a week of acclimatization hikes in and around Samagau and Samdo, the team recentered this weekend with a traditional Tibetan Buddhist Puja blessing ceremony. Together, they raised prayer flags and paid their respect to the deity of Mount Manaslu.

This expedition has already been filled with team bonding, stunning views, and great weather, something we all hope continues as the team begins their high-mountain rotations. If all goes well weather-wise, the team should head to Camp One tomorrow before tagging Camp Two.

As CTSS lead guide Tendi Sherpa shared, “Acclimatization is essential to adapt to higher altitudes, allowing the body to adjust to lower oxygen levels, reducing risks of altitude sickness.”

We are proud to employ slow acclimatization schedules on all of our treks and climbs. We want you to reach the summit as a happy and healthy climber, and we know proper acclimatization is crucial to making this happen.

Slow acclimatization schedules on Manaslu make for happy climbers! (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)

Climbing high above Samagau and Samdo. (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)

Puja blessing ceremony for our Manaslu climbers. (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)

Moving on up! Manaslu Base Camp. (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)

CTSS Base Camp on Manaslu looks good and is crucial to our Marginal Gains Philosophy! (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)

Keep an eye out on our blog as our Manaslu team climbers make their way to Camp One! (Photo: Tendi Sherpa)