Our two CTSS Aconcagua teams are on the move, leaving Mendoza and arriving in Penitentes today.
They’re a very diverse, international group coming from all corners of the globe and already getting on like a house on fire. In fact, I could barely hear what Mike was saying on the phone amongst the cheerful laughter and banter in the background. They’re all off to dinner now.
They’ll have their last sleep in a proper bed tonight before they hit the trail in the morning. It’s a 3-day hike into Base Camp up the Vacas Valley (which means ‘cow valley’ in Spanish!) enjoying stunning views of the Andes.
They will hike about 5 hours a day and gain approximately 1000 vertical feet per day.
Tomorrow they’ll hug the river all the way into their first campsite; Pampa de Leans, before continuing their hike up to a campsite called Casa de Piedra (meaning ‘House of the Rock’) and then the following day up and into Base Camp.
The mules are carrying most of their gear, so these duffel bags might not look so clean and colourful by trip end!
I’ll keep you in the loop.