Summit Climbers Arrive at Camp 1 & Camp 2

Evening 17th May: 

Our teams are tucked in at Camp 1 & Camp 2, with some climbers pushing straight to Camp 2 to take a full rest day there. Tomorrow, our climbers who stayed at Camp 1 will move up to Camp 2 and join the rest.

The weather for our summit bid is looking really good. Expedition Leader Mike Hamill shared, “The weather forecast for May 21-26 is some of the best I’ve ever seen in all my years on Everest.”

Our team is aiming for a May 21st summit to allow any crowds on the 19th & 20th to dissipate. Everyone is in great shape and feeling strong.

Meanwhile, our successful summit team is already back in Namche, taking the time on the trek to integrate their experience and slowly return to civilization. They’ll be back in Kathmandu soon.

The road home for our 1st wave of summiteers! Photo: Josh McDowell

2nd Wave Readying for Everest

Update May 16th (evening)  

Our summit teams are leaving Everest Base Camp tonight, one day later than anticipated due to the weather. We are hoping for a more stable air mass to arrive to help shepherd in their upcoming summit bids.

The team will wake in a few hours and set off through the Khumbu Icefall. A quick note: all of our guides and climbers will adjust their schedules from this point forward to suit their individual needs. Remember, no news is good news as communication is slow coming from the upper mountain.

Our team at Everest Base Camp shared a tentative plan for all our climbers:

  • 17th May: Climb up to Camp 1
  • 18th May: Climb up to Camp 2
  • 19th May: Climb up to Camp 3
  • 20th May: Climb to the South Col, rest and begin summit push into the evening
  • 21st May: Summit and return to the South Col or drop to Camp 2
  • 22nd May: Camp 2 or drop to Everest Base Camp
  • 23rd May: Return to Everest Base Camp

Camp two at sunrise. Photo courtesy of Nani S. 

Below we are sharing a video from Tendi Sherpa, one of our incredible guides on Everest this season. We are also including a few of his words, a truly special moment that he has shared with the world. Tendi, thanks for being an inspiration to us all!

"It’s always a special moment to stand on the top of the world. As you may know that we Sherpas and Nepali believe Mount Everest as a goddess Mother Earth specially known as Miyo Langsam. Each time we summit we pray the mountain deity and thank for her blessings, and we honor our country by flying our National flag! I dedicate this summit to my two beautiful daughters at home whom I miss so much and for my whole family." - Tendi Sherpa 

Waiting for their Window

Hello from the Himalayas!

We are excited that our second wave of climbers, including all climbers on a 1:1 program, are getting ready to set off on their summit bids!

Tomorrow morning, the climbers, guides, and Sherpas will wake up, gear up, and set out for the journey of a lifetime! Before the sun rises, they will climb through the Khumbu Icefall. Some climbers plan to stay at Camp 1, and some will go directly to Camp 2. It's important to note that all climbers are keeping their schedules fluid to accommodate how they feel and the mountain's traffic (among other factors). 

Up next: the Khumbu Icefall. Photo from CTSS Archives

Beyond Camp 2, climbers will move up to Camp 3, where they will sleep on oxygen. They will remain on oxygen above Camp 3 for the rest of their summit bid. The weather is looking stable and we are excited for this team who have been so prepared, patient, and fun to take their journey to the top of the world.

The upper mountain and in position for a summit bid. Photo from CTSS Archives

Meanwhile, our successful Western Guided team, who summited Mount Everest over the weekend, is saying farewell to Everest Base Camp today and starting their trek back down the Khumbu Valley. They expect to be back in Kathmandu around the 19th of May.

A final farewell for our Western Guided team! Photo courtesy of Jangbu


Everest Base Camp Celebrations

What an incredible last few days for our first summit team. 

Summiting in great weather, watching the sunrise from the top of the world, creating friendships that will last a lifetime, experiencing the power and beauty of the world's tallest peak, and most importantly, feeling what it's like to walk safely back into Everest Base Camp after a successful climb. 

Once again, huge congrats to the climbers. To the climbers and their families and friends - thank you for trusting CTSS to support you in this massive goal. 

The team is all back at Everest Base Camp, celebrating their achievements, including Tendi Sherpa, below, who just completed his 16th summit on Mount Everest. 

Tendi Sherpa (in blue) on the summit of Mount Everest, marking his 16th summit on the world's tallest peak.

Some climbers will helicopter out to get back to friends and family (and newfound fame), while others will relish walking back down the Khumbu Balley slowly with their teammates. Either way, they will have memories that will last a lifetime. 

Below are a few of the incredible images for their summit. Photo credit to Nanika Stahringer, Tendi Sherpa, Josh McDowell, and Ashish Gurung. 

And, of course, a welcome celebration at Everest Base Camp. Photo credit to Nanika Stahringer, Tendi Sherpa, Josh McDowell, and Ashish Gurung. 

Summit Teams Return to Camp 2

The entire summit team is now safely back to Camp 2. It was a huge day, nearly 24 hours on the move, but they elected to drop down to move off the windy South Col and sleep better. They will likely be back in Everest Base Camp tomorrow to celebrate and rest.

The second half of our team is patient and strategic, looking for the best summit window for their bids.

Once again, congratulations to all 26 climbers who stood on top yesterday on a great summit day with no crowds.

Here's a look at what the summit bid is like for our Everest climbers:

26 Everest Summits on May 13, 2024

Morning of 13th May (Local Nepal time)

A huge congratulations to our climbers, guides & Sherpas.

We are so proud to announce that all 26 climbers who left on their summit bid today have successfully stood on top of Mount Everest.


  • Ms Lee Donald
  • Mr Bert Snarr
  • Mr Thomas Smith
  • Mr Michael Fortune
  • Mr David Keating
  • Mr Terry Ledgard
  • Mr Jared Harris
  • Mr Patrick Monday
  • Mr Josh McDowell (Guide)
  • Mr Manuel Stahringer (Guide)
  • Dawa Furten Bhote
  • Pasang Bhote
  • Dawa Jyabu Bhote
  • Nuru Sherpa (Papchhe)
  • Pasang Rinji Sherpa
  • Dawa Sherpa (Ramete)
  • Dorjee Sherpa
  • Milan Tamang
  • Jangbu Sherpa
  • Thunang Lhomi
  • Sujan Gurung
  • Gyalbu Tamang
  • Pasang Tendi Sherpa
  • Sona Sherpa
  • Ang Tshering Sherpa
  • Ashis Gurung

The team are now making their way back down to the South Col. Please know that no news is good news. The winds are forecast to pick up a little, so the team is moving efficiently and not stopping to pull out radios unless absolutely necessary.

What a way to celebrate Mothers' Day! Congratulations to all.

Photos CTSS Archives

First Everest Summit Bids Underway

Evening Sunday 12th May

Summit bids are underway, with the traditional Western Guided Team climbers heading out of the South Col at approximately 8:30 pm Guided by Josh McDowell and Nani Strahringer.

We are looking at no crowds and clear skies as they climb throughout the night and into the morning. We expect summits early on the 13th around or just after sunrise. Please remember that no news is good news. It is a long summit day, and it is not unusual not to hear much as Guides conserve radio batteries. It's a case of heads down, keep moving. We will announce successful summiteers when they are back at the South Col.

If you want to see the route and what your climber is currently experiencing, take a quick look at:

The remainder of the team is at Everest Base Camp preparing for their summit bids.

We are excited to keep you updated.

Summit Team Staged at Camp 3

Evening of Saturday 11th May

Hello from the Himalayas! We hope you are all rolling into a fabulous Mother's Day weekend and spoiling those moms/mums of yours! Apologies to the mums of our Western Guided Team who are above Base Camp right now, as they won't be able to send a message to you all, thanking you for all your support and love and for helping them get here and live out their dreams. We honor you.

At Camp 3 we have:

  • Bert Snarr
  • Tom Smith
  • Adam Kennedy
  • Michael Fortune
  • David Keating
  • Terry Ledgards
  • Jared Harris
  • Pat Monday
  • Lee Donald & Personal Sherpa Thunang Bhote
  • Guide Josh McDowell & Guide Nani Strahringer.

They climbed the Lhotse Face strongly today - leaving early, at about 5 am, when the face was cold to minimize rockfall, and pulled into Camp 3 in good style and good time. They are sleeping on oxygen now and will remain on oxygen throughout their summit bids.

In the morning, they will keep heading up the Lhotse Face, through the Yellow Band, up to the South Col (Camp 4) at 8000m, where they will rest and get some sleep before they begin their summit attempts! We have winds in range throughout the night of the 12th and morning of the 13th, forecast to pick up more later in the afternoon of the 13th. There are no crowds which means they will be able to move smoothly and efficiently. We are so excited for them and wishing them the best of luck.

Check out their route below:

Back at Everest Base Camp, readying for their window are:

  • Ruben S
  • Marc B
  • Randall E
  • Chen (Blake) Li
  • Yinghong H
  • Riki J
  • Pascale S
  • Aga O
  • Darragh O

Everything is smooth, let's head to the summit!

Photos from the CTSS Archive

Bottom of the Lhotse Face, heading to C3
Bottom of the Lhotse Face, heading to C3
Climbing the Lhotse Face
Views from C3 on the Lhotse Face



The Start of Summit Bids on Everest

Evening of May 10th

The forecast is favorable.

The winds are within range. 

The route is ready, thanks to the summit rope fixing team.

Our team is feeling strong and eager. 

It’s go time!

Our Western Guided team is tucked in at Camp 2. They plan to start climbing at 5am local time up to Camp 3, where they will spend tomorrow night, before continuing toward the summit.

The 1:1 Private Guided and Personal Sherpa climbers are at Everest Base Camp, recovering and resting from their last rotation. They are all excited as they begin to prepare and strategize for their summit bid.

Exciting times in Nepal! 

Summit bids are starting! Here's to continue good weather and strong energy.