Continued Progress on Everest
27th April
There's plenty of movement on the mountain for our CTSS teams.
Our Western Guided Team are back up the hill on their second rotation and are moving today from Camp 1 through the Western CWM to Camp 2.
Joining them in moving from C1 up to Camp 2 are Lhotse Climber Damian & his personal sherpa Doma, as well as Ludivine and personal sherpa Dawa who are on their first rotation and plan to spend 1x night at Camp 2 before returning to Camp 1 tomorrow.
30 Day Speed Ascenders Rob G and Guide Kami are also climbing out of Camp 1 and intend to tag Camp 2 but return to Camp 1 tonight. It's their first foray up the hill.
Already at Camp 2, you will find Private Climbers Tom L & Guide Tomi, Matt B & Guide Kami are taking a rest day while Taylor and Guide Naren, Zukey & Guide Vinay, Kevin and Guide Ashish, Roberto & Guide Pasang, Ott & Guide Dorjee are all moving slightly higher today to do an acclimatization climb up to tag the base of the Lhotse Face and will return to Camp 2 to sleep tonight. So it will be busy at Camp 2!
Just below them at Camp 1, our Seattle Speed Ascenders (Travis & Justin) are dropping back down to EBC. We are excited to welcome them back to Camp after a successful first rotation.
Resting and recovering at Everest Base Camp (where unfortunately the internet has been a bit spotty of late) are:
Kirstie E and Guide Anup,
Jen W and Guide Pasang
Lisa B and Guide Prakash
OT and Guide Casey
Rajat & Guide Pega
Rohan & Guide Sujan
Below them, breathing in some thicker air to help shake off a few bugs, is Sam Cairns in Lukla, Julie McK & Tracy in Kathmandu.
While it can feel like a lot to get your head around and the team feels very spread out, that's actually what CTSS specialize in. Our skillset is not in lumping everyone together and making them all move to the beat of the same drum, but remaining adaptable and offering a more intricate level of logistics and a high level of guidance to maximize and accommodate everyone's pace, how they are feeling at the time, their individual acclimatization rates etc.
No one is just a number on a cattle train, each climber is an individual catered and cared for, to give them the best shot at the summit. It's a long expedition, strategy is key.
We are excited by the team's progress!

Comings and Goings on Everest
25th April
The team are doing amazingly well and are right on, if not slightly ahead of schedule.
Our Western Guided Team have enjoyed a few days of rest at Base Camp, getting massages, recharging with Chef Marc David and Chef Kumar's delicious food and doing training drills in the lower part of the icefall. They are planning to kick off their 2nd rotation tonight (local Nepalese time) and will be moving up through the icefall in the early hours when it is most stable. Their goal is to tag Camp 3 and their schedule is fluid to take best advantage of how they are feeling and the conditions on the mountain etc. We will welcome them back to Base Camp in about 5 days.
We welcomed back to Base Camp after a successful rotation, many of our Private 1:1 climbers; Lisa with Guide Prakash, Rajat with Guide Pega, Olivier with Guide Casey, Jen with Guide Big Pasang, they will rest and recover now before planning their next rotation in a few days.
Above Base Camp we have Taylor with Guide Naren, Matt with Guide Kami, Roberto with Guide Pasang Tendi, Zukey with Guide Vinay, Kevin with Guide Ashish, Tom L with Guide Tomi, Tracy with Guide Mark Postle. They have tagged Camp 2 and are sleeping at Camp 1 for another night before they will drop back down to Base Camp to mark the end of their first rotation.
Moving up the mountain and sleeping at Camp 1, we also have our Seattle 40 Day Speed Ascenders! as well as Rohan, Damian (our Lhotse climber) and Ludivine. They will look to tag Camp 2 tomorrow before returning for a second night at Camp 1.
Meanwhile; 30 Day Speed Ascenders, Rob & Kirstie have been doing drills in the lower part of the icefall and ladder training, and Neil F who diverted for a climb of Lobuche but faced some heavy snow on the route, has pivoted and come into Base Camp. They will start eyeing the schedule to begin their first rotation.
All is well on team CTSS!
Pics from the CTSS archive.

Updates from EBC
23rd April
Good morning from EBC! Where the skies are blue, the cappuccinos are delivered to your tent steaming and frothy...
We welcomed the Western Guided Team (Bruce, Ben, Schuyler, Jay, Nick, Sam with Guides Robert & Quique) safely back to camp after a really successful rotation. They spent 2x nights at Camp 1 and successfully made their way up the Western CWM to tag Camp 2. They reported a longer, but good route through the icefall and made good time. They were welcomed back down with Guide Tomi's famous 'Pizza night' where he shakes off the Guide uniform crampons and commanders the chef's hat from Marc to take over the kitchen. Tomi's pizzas are famous and as much fun as they are delicious as everyone gets involved.
Before dawn this morning, many of our private 1:1 climbers started out to begin their first rotation, above Base Camp we have Roberto T with Guide Pasang Tendi, Julie with Guide Tendi, Jen W with Guide Big Pasang, Matt B with Guide Kami, Rajat with Guide Pega, Lisa B with Guide Prakash, Taylor G with Guide Naren, Olivier with Guide Casey, Ott with Guide Dorjee, Tracy with Guide Mark Postle. They've got great weather today and are at the time of writing, pulling into Camp 1, where they will spend their first night. They each have custom schedules, so we'll keep you updated on their various movements over the coming days. Being able to customize the schedule to how each individual is feeling is one of the greatest advantages of our 1:1 programs.
Hot on their tails, Zukey & Guide Vinay, Tom L and Guide Tomi, and Kevin and Guide Ashish are taking a rest and prep day today, they will spend the afternoon packing and their plan is to head out early tomorrow morning to begin their first rotation too.
Our personal sherpa climbers; Ludivine, Rohan, Damian (Lhotse climber) and Jan, are taking a short hike into the lower part of the icefall today as part of training. Meanwhile our 40 Day speed ascenders (Travis, Martin & Justin) are spending time doing ladder crossing training drills to get familiar with crossing the aluminium ladders the icefall doctors span crevasses in the icefall with. It's a bit of a skill to make sure your crampons fit securely (but not get stuck) between the rungs of the ladder so practice makes perfect.
Finally, we are looking forward to welcoming in our final team members Kirstie, Rob & Neil who are on our 30 day speed program as they make their way into Base Camp over the next few days.
All is well and everyone doing great.

Puja paving the way
20th April 2023 on Everest
An auspicious day for the team with our Puja ceremony being held yesterday, opening the way for us to begin our Everest climb in earnest. A Puja is a Tibetan Buddhist ritual that is part of Sherpa life, the purpose of which is to ask the mountain deity for safe passage and of course to celebrate.
Those of us that have participated in many Puja’s were in agreement that this was one of the best one. Many climbers form all over camp came to join us in this celebration and the lamas chanted and blessed for several hours and of course there was lots of good food and drink on offer! It was a great chance for us to socialize and celebrate with each other, Sherpa and non-Sherpa alike and solidify our bonds before heading higher. We concluded with a traditional Sherpa dance, locking arms and forming a semi circle in front of the Puja alter. We ‘Mikaru’ (or ‘foreigner’ which roughly translates to ‘white eyes’) tried to emulate the Sherpa as best we could!
The culmination of the ceremony is raising the Puja pole in the center of the alter and stringing prayer flags over our camp, building a zone of protection for the team. When the flags blow in the wind it is thought by the Sherpa that they send out prayers. This has become a common part of any Everest and Lhotse expedition and the Sherpa, who draw no distinction between their daily lives and their Tibetan Buddhism, appreciate and welcome us in this ritual.
With the Puja complete, our Western Guided team have launched into their first acclimatization rotation, leaving Base Camp in the early hours while the icefall is at its most stable. The forecast looks good and the plan is to sleep at Camp One tonight, tag Camp 2 tomorrow, returning to Camp 1 for a second night before dropping back to Base Camp. The schedule is flexible and will take into account how the team are feeling etc.
Our private 1:1 climbers are working independently with their guides on their schedules and training in the lower part of the Khumbu icefall/glacier just outside of camp. We'll keep you abreast of their movements when they start uphill.
Lower in the valley, we bid farewell to our 3 Peaks climbers, who had an epic trip with 3/3 summits of Lobuche, Pokalde and Island Peak! Congratulations guys! Along with a number of our EBC trekkers and Lobuche climbers who have become a true part of our family. We wish them all safe travels back home.

Updates from the Khumbu - 15th April
15th April 2023
Hi everyone!
The expedition is ticking along on schedule and as planned; to give you an update on everyone's various movements...
Our Western Guided Summit Team spent the day at Base Camp training in the Khumbu Glacier just outside of camp. While their skills are well established and fresh, we like to do lots of drills to commit everything to muscle memory so its second nature.
We have now waved farewell to our Rugged Luxury EBC Trek team who flew from Base Camp by helicopter and arrived back in Kathmandu ahead of their city tour and the famed degustation dinner at Dwarikas before they head home.
Our 3 Peaks climbers, are also splintering off now after 2x nights at EBC to climb Pokalde and Island Peak. They will hit Lobuche town again today before going to Pokalde High Camp tomorrow.
Our EBC and Gokyo trekkers are on their way to Jong Lha, tomorrow they will head over the Chola Pass to Gokyo Lake.
The Crum family are now descending from their stay in Base Camp, they will climb Kala Pattar and then sleep at Pheriche tonight before descending to Namche tomorrow.
Our Private 1:1 Climbers have finished their Lobuche acclimatization climb, and are coming up to Base Camp, we expect just after lunchtime today.
Our Personal Sherpa and Lhotse climbers, (April 3rd wave) are currently at High Camp on Lobuche, they'll set off in the early hours to summit tomorrow morning before coming into Base Camp in a few days.
& Finally, our 40 Day Speed Ascenders have safely flown into Pheriche now and are making their way up to Lobuche.
Plenty of movement in the Khumbu but everyone happy, safe and well

Happy Easter from the Khumbu
Our various teams are having a ball in the Khumbu as they steadily make their way toward Everest Base Camp.
At Lobuche Base Camp is our First Wave, our Western Guided Team Climbers with Guides Robert Jantzen and Quique Clausen., and our 3 Peaks Climbers. They report that everyone is doing exceptionally well, and are delighted by the logistics at Lobuche Base Camp. Today they climbed up to tag Lobuche High Camp, descended to Base Camp and spent the afternoon doing some skills clinics and training, shaking off the dust of those fundamental skills they will use in the days ahead on Lobuche as their warm up run to Everest. Tomorrow they will move to Lobuche High Camp.
Our Rugged Luxury Trekkers have spent their second night at our tented camp at Lobuche and tomorrow they will start out early to Base Camp! Meanwhile Chef Minella is at Base Camp readying for everyone's arrival.
We don't have wifi at Lobuche so these are photos from the CTSS archives

Our Second Wave of Private 1:1 Everest climbers and trekkers, spent their day acclimatizing above Pheriche on Narkang Hill, tomorrow they will join the crew at Lobuche Base Camp. Here's a few pics from Guide Tomi & Edgar

Our Third Wave of Personal Sherpa Climbers, Lobuche Climbers and Everest Base Camp trekkers are spending their final night in Tengboche with Guide Nani, they had an acclimatization day today and tomorrow they move up to Pheriche.

Our 30 Day & 40 Day Speed Ascenders are preparing to leave home over the next week and travel to Nepal ahead of their speed schedules. They will shoot straight from Kathmandu to Pheriche having preacclimated at home with the Hypoxico systems.
All is on schedule and everyone is moving really well.
Updates from the EBC Trail
We are creeping higher into the Khumbu Valley which each day.
Our First Wave (Western Guided Summit Team, 3 Peaks Team & Rugged Luxury Trekkers) today reached Pheriche at 4 ,371 m (14,340 ft), above the Tsola River. They came up from Tengboche, via Pangboche where they visited the Monastery for a special Everest specific Puja (A Puja is a special ceremony in which prayers are offered to the Buddhas to request their blessings or invoke their help. In this case it is to ask for safe and successful passage on the peak.)
The team will spend 2x nights at Pheriche (tonight and tomorrow) with an acclimatization day planned tomorrow where they will hike high above town to get spectacular views of Ama Dablam and the surrounding peaks as well as attending the HRA medical outpost for a talk on high altitude medicine.
Our Second Wave (Our Private 1:1 summit climbers and Gokyo Lakes Trekkers) are in Tengboche where they will spend 2x nights. Tomorrow they will visit the Tengboche Monastery and do an acclimatization hike before chasing the first team up to Pheriche.
Our third and final wave (Our Personal Sherpa supported climbers, Lobuche climbers and EBC Trekkers) reached Namche, which is a 10.5km hike with 830meters of elevation gain. The whole team did great. Tomorrow they will also do an acclimatization hike around Namche.
There is something very special about being in the Khumbu, far from roads, cell service and the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu, it's like going back in time to a simpler time, focusing on the day and hill ahead of you and enjoying being in the rhythm of hiking on the trail.
The Guides sent over these great pics for you to enjoy.

Updates from the Khumbu Valley
Our teams are doing great!
Yesterday our Wave 1 Team (Western Guided Team Summit Climbers/3 Peaks and Rugged Luxury Trekkers) acclimatized around Namche. They went up to the Everest View Hotel for a coffee while Everest poked in and out of the clouds. They spent the afternoon exploring the winding streets of Namche, shopping and exploring.
Today they hiked 5-6 hours to Tengboche, their base for the next 2 nights to help acclimatize. They'll visit the Tengboche Monastery and do some short hikes in the area. Team is happy and well.
Our Second Wave (Our 1:1 Private climbers and The Crum Family) moved up to Namche today, with Namche Hill always being a solid first challenge of the trek. They made good time and are enjoying the rest. They'll stop in Namche for 2x nights before following the earlier team to Tengboche.
Finally our 3rd Wave (Our Sherpa supported climbers, Lobuche Climbers & EBC Trekkers) are enjoying their final night in Kathmandu and will fly into the Khumbu early tomorrow morning.

Up the Valley
Our first wave (Western Guided Team Climbers, our 3 Peaks Team and our Rugged Luxury Trekkers) had good weather yesterday to hike the roughly 6.5 miles and 2,800ft in elevation gain up to Namche Bazaar. Everyone arrived well and in good shape. The highlight was crossing the Hillary Tenzing suspension bridge over the Dhudh Kosi River.
Today is an acclimatization day with a short hike to an Everest view overlook and then an afternoon of relaxed shopping and exploration in Namche.
Our second wave (Our 1:1 climbers and Gokyo trekkers) boarded helicopters and flew into the Khumbu this morning, and are currently trekking to Phakding - their first stop on the EBC trail.
Finally, our third wave (Our personal sherpa climbers, Lobuche climbers and EBC trekkers) are due to arrive today into Kathmandu. Tomorrow they will do gear checks and guide briefings before setting off on the 5th, which will see almost all (bar our Speed Ascenders) of our team up and into the valley.
After so many months of planning, up to a year of training, it's so exciting for everyone to be underway.

Starting the Trek to Everest
Our Everest season is truly underway.
We have welcomed climbers and trekkers from all over the world to Kathmandu and our First Wave (Western Guided Team Climbers, Rugged Luxury Trekkers, 3 Peaks Climbers) have flown into the Khumbu valley on helicopters and trekked to the riverside town of Phakding.
Today they will launch up to Namche: 11,286 ft (3,440m) which will take them between 5-6 hours and they will gain +2,723ft (830m) in elevation. The trail starts by weaving its way through lush Rhododendron forest, along the river banks, up over some thrilling suspension bridges that span across the raging glacial-fed Dudh Khosi River before tackling the 2,000ft (610m) Hill that leads to Namche Bazaar.
The first of the treks's challenging climbs, it’s best to take it slow and steady and make use of the well built stone terraces to stop, rest and enjoy the views. They are in no rush, and their bodies are beginning their acclimatization process so they can expect to be a bit breathless!
Terraced into the hill side in a C shape, Namche Bazaar is the Sherpa capital, a brilliant, vibrant town, filled with fun little shops, great bakeries and cafes and narrow winding pedestrian streets.
Meanwhile, The Crum Family are enjoying a custom itinerary with added acclimatization days in Lukla and they will fold into our second wave tomorrow and trek to Phakding.
In Kathmandu; our Second Wave (Our Private 1:1 Climbers & our EBC & Gokyo Trekkers) have settled in and today will do their gear checks and expedition briefing at the Hyatt, before readying themselves to fly into the Khumbu Valley by helicopter tomorrow.
All is well and happy in Nepal.