Manal - 1st Egyptian Woman to Summit Everest

Congratulations to Manal A Rostom for becoming the first Egyptian woman to summit Mt Everest on the 16th May in perfect weather with CTSS Guide Anup & Pemba Tamang & Karsang Sherpa

Manal is currently below the Balcony on her way back to the South Col and will drop down to at least Camp 3 today, if not Camp 2.

That brings our summit waves to a close this season on Everest - with 100% of climbers who left Base Camp on their summit bid, successful on both Everest & Lhotse in 2022. With the exception of last year that was so impacted by covid, CTSS has maintained it's 100% success rate for the past 3x seasons!

We are so proud of all of our climbers, our incredible guides and our phenomenal local team. Without them, nothing is possible in the mighty Himalaya.


Manal Rostom - First Egyptian Woman to Summit Everest


Lhotse Summits!

More Lhotse Summits

Another great morning of weather today on Everest/Lhotse and another exciting record with Gabby Kanizay topping out on Everest yesterday (14th May) and Lhotse today (15th May) with Tendi Sherpa at 5:30am, invariably making her the Youngest Australian to Climb Everest & the Youngest Australian to Climb Lhotse at just 18.

She is so strong and descending now toward Camp 2 to rejoin her mum Jane who also summited Everest yesterday and is also dropping back to Camp 2 along with Jessica Hepburn and Guide Kami. Tomorrow they will return to Base Camp to celebrate their incredible success.

Meanwhile Manal R and Guide Anup are above the Yellow Band and moving well towards the South Col, where they will rest and reenergise ahead of their summit bid tonight. Weather looking great!

All is well on Everest/Lhotse.


100% CTSS team summits so far:


Mark Woodward - 12th May
Pega Sherpa - 12th May
Margaret Kincaid - 12th May

Pemba Gelji Sherpa (Phortse) - 12th May
Meghan Buchanan - 12th May
Naren Shahi - 12th May
John Keagy - 12th May
Walter Hailes - 12th May
Pasang Kami Sherpa - 12th May
Clayton Wolfe - 12th May
Pasang Tendi Sherpa - 12th May
Tomas Ceppi  - 12th May
Pemba Gyelji (Kharikola) - 12th May
Sonam Phinjo Tamang - 12th May
Tseten Bhote - 12th May
Pasang Bhote - 12th May
Tsering Sherpa - 12th May
Rinji Sherpa - 12th May
Dawa Sherpa - 12th May
Jane Kanizay - 14th May

Gabby Kanizay - 14th May
Jessica Hepburn - 14th May
Tendi Sherpa - 14th May
Pasang Sherpa - 14th May
Jessica Hepburn - 14th May
Kami Sherpa - 14th May
Sujan Gurung - 14th May
Lhakpa Sherpa - 14th May
Kusang Dorjee Tamang - 14th May
Dawa Dendi Sherpa - 14th May
Namgyal Dorjee Sherpa - 14th May


Margaret Kincaid - 13th May
Mark Woodward - 13th May
Pega Sherpa - 13th May 
Sonam Phinjo - 13th May
Gabby Kanizay - 15th May
Tendi Sherpa - 15th May
Kusang Tamang - 15th May

Everest Summit 2022 - Photo Tomi Ceppi
Everest Summit 2022 - Photo Pemba Gelji

Summit of Everest

...More 14th May Everest Summits...

Congratulations to Ms Jessica Hepburn and Guide Kami Sherpa standing on top of Everest right now. 100% of our second wave of climbers & Guides on top.

They will now begin their descent to the South Col following Jane & Gabby, Pasang & Tendi.

Manal is currently moving up to Camp 3, and making good time.


Pemba Tashi Sherpa Summit of Everest May 12th 2021
Summit of Everest - Photo Mike Hamill
Summit of Everest - Photo Mike Hamill


More Everest Summits!!

A huge congratulations to:

Ms Gabby Kanizay - the newly minted Youngest Australian to Summit Everest, at just 18yrs old along with her mum, Jane Kanizay with Guides Tendi Sherpa and Pasang Sherpa standing on the top of the world

Jessica H and Guide Kami are currently at the South Summit continuing up.

Jane & Gabby will now start their descent, and we'll update you when they have reached the South Col.


Summit ridge of Everest Photo Mike Hamill
View from the South Summit towards Hillary Step & Everest Summit - Photo Tendi Guide



Second Everest Summit Bid Begins

Our next set of summit bids are now underway with Jane K with Guide Pasang, Jessica H with Guide Kami leaving the South Col at 8:45pm on the 13th (local time) and speedy Gabby K close behind with Guide Tendi departing at 10pm.

Great weather with low winds and the team is moving well. Remember it's very common on summit day to have fewer updates, in fact in a sense, the fewer the better as it means the team is moving consistently, staying focused and conserving their energy and warmth.

We'll keep you updated and wishing them good luck as they hopefully reach the top of the world in a few more hours.


Sunrise on Summit Day


Going Up & Back to Base

A quick update;

At the South Col: Jane & Gabby Kanizay are now safely at the South Col with Guides Tendi and Pasang, along with Jessica H and Guide Kami having climbed up the remainder of the Lhotse Face today in great weather. They will take a well deserved rest, steal a cat nap, rehydrate and refuel before setting off this evening (local time) on their summit push. They intend to climb through the night and summit early tomorrow morning. Forecast looks very good.

Manal R with Guide Anup reached Camp 2 in good time today and will move up the Lhotse Face to Camp 3 tomorrow ahead of her summit push.

All of our Lhotse Summiteers are now safely back to Camp 2 and all of our 12th May Everest summiteers are back to Base Camp.


Clayton Wolfe Everest Speed Summiteer
John Keagy - Everest 22 Summiteer
Successfully back to Base Camp

100% Lhotse Summits

Congratulations to our Everest/Lhotse double header climbers who topped out on Everest yesterday and today topped out on Lhotse, the world's 4th highest peak in perfect weather and within 24hours!

Margaret Kincaid
Mark Woodward
Pega Sherpa
Sonam Phinjo

Mark & Margaret are part of our 40 Day Hypoxico Speed Ascent team and absolutely cruised on both Everest and Lhotse this season. They are descending now back to Camp 2 and will drop back to Base Camp tomorrow.

(Clayton who was on our 30 day Everest Hypoxico speed ascent program also summited yesterday bringing our speed climber success rate to 100% this season)

Our May 12th Everest summit team are currently coming through the icefall for the last time this season and will shortly arrive back to Base Camp very soon to celebrate their success!

At Camp 3 Gabby, Jane and Guides Tendi & Pasang are heading up the Lhotse Face to the South Col today ahead of their summit bid tonight.  Manal and Guide Anup are moving from Camp 1 to Camp 2 on their summit rotation.


The Summit of Lhotse looking back to the summit of Everest

Summiteers Back to the South Col & Next Wave Moving Up

All of our first wave of successful 12th May Everest Summiteers are now safely back to the South Col in great time and are having warm drinks and well deserved rest. Again a huge congratulations to them all. We very much look forward to them dropping back to Camp 2 (either later today if they feel up for it, or tomorrow) and then onto Base Camp in coming days.

Meanwhile our second wave (Gabby & Jane with Guides Tendi & Pasang and Jessica H and Guide Kami) who are eyeing a 14th May summit have moved up from Camp 2 to Camp 3. They will sleep on oxygen at C3 before moving up to the South Col tomorrow and onwards for their planned summit bid. We continue to watch the weather for them but at the moment the forecast is looking good.

Manal R & Guide Anup left Base Camp this morning, and are moving steadily up to Camp 1 and will look at their summit bids in days to come.


Pemba Tashi Sherpa Summit of Everest May 12th 2021
Summit of Everest - Photo Mike Hamill
Summit of Everest - Photo Mike Hamill
The Summit Ridge of Mt. Everest


100% On Top! Summits on Everest!!

12th May Everest Summits

Congratulations to our first wave of climbers with 100% of the team standing on top of the world! So deserved after such an enormous amount of work and dedication and commitment. We are so proud of you and honoured to be part of your journey.


Mark Woodward (5am local time)
Pega Sherpa (5am)
Margaret Kincaid (5:45am)

Pemba Gelji Sherpa (5:45am) (Phortse)
Meghan Buchanan (6am)
Naren Shahi (6am)
John Keagy (6:30am)
Walter Hailes (6:30am)
Pasang Kami Sherpa (6:30am)
Clayton Wolfe (6:45am)
Pasang Tendi Sherpa (6:45am)
Tomas Ceppi (6:45am)
Pemba Gyelji (Kharikola)
Sonam Phinjo Tamang
Tseten Bhote
Pasang Bhote
Tsering Sherpa
Rinji Sherpa
Dawa Sherpa

To all our loved ones watching on at home, it's a massive moment for you too as you celebrate and feel the joy of knowing your person has attained their goal of standing on top of the world! Your support should never be underestimated, thank you you are the reason our climbers can do what they do.

All climbers are now on descent. It's good to keep in mind that as they descend they will keep focused, conserve their warmth and radio batteries and just motor back down the hill, heads down, bums up as such. It can take a long time to get back to the South Col (Camp 4) and it's very likely we won't hear much from them now which just means they are moving consistently and smoothly. We'll update you again when they are safely back to Camp 4!



Previous Everest Summits
Everest Summit Ridge - Photo by Tendi Sherpa
View from the South Summit towards Hillary Step & Everest Summit - Photo Tendi Guide
Perfect weather summit day

Safely at the South Col

Exciting news as our first wave of summit climbers are all safely at the South Col (Camp 4) and resting ahead of their departure later tonight. They'll be grabbing cat naps, preparing their gear, rehydrating and taking in as many calories as they can.

They will climb through the night tonight with the plan of summiting in the morning. Weather looking good, mild and light winds but very favourable.

Goodluck & happy, safe climbing to:

  • Meghan B & Guide Naren
  • John K & Guide Walt
  • Clayton & Guide Pasang
  • Margaret K & Mark W with Guide Pega
  • Guide Tomi Ceppi

Remember that no news is good news, particularly on summit day. The team will focus on climbing, conserving their energy, radio and sat phone batteries. It's totally natural to feel anxious for news and you might find yourself hitting refresh rather a lot on this blog, but it's helpful to keep in mind that summit day is a long day, and it's very normal (& expected) to have big long stretches between check ins. We'll keep you updated once they've summited and back down at Camp.


Everest summit day Looking back toward Makalu
Everest route map
The South Col
Oxygen at the South Col