..Aconcagua Reflections..

Now that Team Aconcagua is back recovering in the balmy Mendozan heat, it's time for a few last views of the higher stretches of the mountain these last days. Snapshots from CTSS guide Colo Griffouliere of the journey to high camp, sunrise on summit morning, and the famed windy ridge and the traverse at nearly 20,500 feet. The challenges on Aconcagua never cease to impress!


A solid congratulations to the entire 2020 Team.





Aconcagua summit

...Back at Base...

A quick last report from our Aconcagua adventurers - The team are all safely down to Base Camp and will be trekking out and heading to Mendoza today ready to fly home!


Climbers on the summit of Aconcagua



...Summits on Aconcagua...

A great effort today by our Aconcagua team which saw a bunch of the crew stand on top of the Americas today! Congratulations.

Everyone now back safely at High Camp, tucked in for the evening and they will descend to Base Camp tomorrow for a hot shower and some Argentinian wine! Before making their way to Mendoza.

What a valiant effort by everyone.


Asma on top of Aconcagua

...Ready for the Summit...

The team are at High Camp and are geared to go for the Summit tomorrow!

We always feel that we have had a successful expedition when the entire team has made it up to high camp together to be able to make the traverse down the other side of the mountain together.

Of course - the summit is certainly icing on the cake and we are sure they will all do great tomorrow but we are thrilled with their progress thus far.

They are all doing well.


...C3 Plans...

The team are currently at Camp 2 on Aconcagua enjoying some culinary delights of fresh ravioli and pesto bought up from Base Camp today (hard living eh?)

Tomorrow they plan to do a carry to Camp 3, descend for acclimatization and start looking at the summit on the 15th...

Winds are looking like they might be a factor but plenty of time in the schedule.

All well on Aconcagua.



...Camp 2 Carry...

Josh has checked in from Camp 1 with the good news that their carry to Camp 2 is complete and has been successful.

The stoke is high and to celebrate it is pizza on the menu tonight! Tough living out there on Aconcagua!

Predicted higher winds will likely see the team take a rest day at Camp 2.


..Moving Up..

More mild winds and gentle clouds here on Mt. Aconcagua today.

CTSS guides Andres Colo Griffouliere and Claudio Capi Grancelli send us a snapshot of the day in photos. Glacial ice, red volcanic rock towers, steady scree ascents, and of course some lounging in the sun.

Progress continues for the team.




...Summits & Ascents...

Our teams on Aconcagua are on fire with our private client Badr topping out and already back in Mendoza on his way safely home.

Our main Feb team has moved to Camp 1 and Guide Josh said "the team's effort today was outstanding, great conditions for move to Camp1. Everyone is here with solid attitudes and great team dynamics"

Good climbing in great weather over on Aconcagua


...Carry to Camp 1 Complete...

Our Feb Aconcagua team are doing great having completed a strong carry to Camp 1 today and they have dropped back to Base Camp to rest. They will move up to Camp 1 tomorrow.

Lead Guide Josh said they made great time and carried strongly which bodes well for the climb ahead and they've been enjoying great weather.



..Green in the Andes..

CTSS guide, Andrew Griffouliere, checks in from Aconcagua base camp today with a montage of the Andean summer the team have trekked through on the walk into base camp this week.

Rivers clear and muddy. Pockets of shaded groves in an otherwise arid valley. And dinners fireside served up by our hard-working team of arrieros, our tough as nails mule drivers.

Some packing, reorganizing, and a well-deserved rest today before the next phase begins. Our load carries up the mountain.

Meanwhile, today our rapid ascent team also arrives to base camp and our private team of Badr, Curtis, and Nico are tucked in at high camp with an eye towards a summit push tomorrow.

A eventful CTSS weekend here all over Mt. Aconcagua.


Cheers from all of us,



