...The Long Wait Continues...
Hi All
Caroline here - I'm sorry to continue to the bearer of bad news but unfortunately once again the weather today was unflyable and the team are still waiting at Vinson Base Camp to get their flight back to Union Glacier, where they'll be able to fly back to Chile on the ilyushin aircraft. Hopefully there is a window tomorrow that they can take advantage of. I will let you know the moment I know.
I understand that sometimes it can feel like something must have gone wrong, but please rest assured it hasn't. They are safe and are simply playing the waiting game until the weather is clear and safe enough to fly. Delays like this aren't uncommon and we are prepared for them, but they are bad luck and certainly frustrating for all of us.
We have contingency supplies for exactly this reason and even if we were to run low, there are further back up supplies available with our logistics provider (the same people in charge of the flights) already at Vinson Base Camp.
I know how difficult it is being at home waiting to hear from your loved ones and having only a little information every few days. I understand that it's even more upsetting being the holidays, (I feel the same) but please don't worry, everyone is working as hard as they can to get them out as quickly as possible.
If anyone would like to speak to me further or ask any questions, send me an email to info[at]climbingthesevensummits.com
I'll keep you updated as soon as I hear.
Cheers Caroline
...The Nature of Adventure...
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news today, but unfortunately, the weather still hasn't given us the window we were all hoping for in order for the team to get off the ice today and the next one will be at least another day away.
Being at the whim of Mother Nature, while on one hand is something that we seek in our adventures, on the other it's also part of the challenge.
With a metre of fresh snow at Union Glacier (which is unheard of) they've been working really hard to groom the blue ice runway and dig out the twin otter aircraft but even so, conditions have not been flyable either there, or where our team are at Vinson Base Camp. In Antarctica, it's just not worth pushing any limits so I'm happy to hear they are erring on the side of caution and safety.
I'm sorry to let you know that your loved ones won't be home for Christmas Day at this stage, I understand it's disappointing for us all waiting at home, but please take comfort knowing they are safe, well dug in, have supplies, and are missing you as much as you are missing them.
If they booked their travel through our travel agent, she is already working to notify the airlines and rebook their tickets as best she can and I'll keep you updated as soon as I hear any news.
Cheers Caroline (CTSS Team)
...Still Waiting...
I know you have all been eagerly awaiting news from the ice and I wish I had the slightly more exciting news that they were all on their way back to you, but the team are unfortunately still grounded at Vinson Base Camp waiting for a weather window to fly out to Union Glacier and then off the continent.
There was a mighty storm at Union Glacier with heavy snowfall so it's all hands on deck there amongst the local logistics team grooming the runway and shovelling to get ready to take advantage of the next possible window. There could be a small one tomorrow so fingers tightly crossed, but if not, don’t worry, they have plenty of food and are nice and comfortable.
This is certainly the nature of an Antarctic adventure.
Caroline (CTSS Team)
...Windy Recovery...
A very quick note to let you know that the team are still at Base Camp with it being too windy for the planse to fly out of Union Glacier to come and collect them from Vinson today.
The crew sounded in great spirits and are enjoying the rest. It's seems they've already recovered and are keeping busy making snow walls to continue to protect them from the wind.
I'll let you know as soon as I hear when they get the green light to fly.
Caroline (CTSS Team)
...Vinson Summit...
Great news fresh in from the ice!
The team has summitted and everyone is safely back to Base Camp
It's 1am down there but they are settling in to have some dinner before crawling into bed.
It's been a big few days for sure. They topped out in absolutely perfect weather, (in fact Mike said it's the best it has ever been in all his years on Vinson) but it was a little short lived as by the time they got back into High Camp about midnight, that famous Antarctic wind was making life a little less celebratory...
They've come down the fixed lines today and made it all the way to Base Camp. Time for some well deserved rest. Let's hope the weather gods to smile upon them again so that the fixed-wing aircraft can get in, and fly them back to Union Glacier.
At Union Glacier, they'll be treated to hot showers and some great food before we'll be once again hoping for another weather window to get them off the frozen continent and back to Chile and en route home.
Having worked hard, our loved ones are safe and sound and will be back before we know it
(I say this in jest, but we may as well all enjoy the peace and quiet before the duffel bags of stinky expedition gear and our rugged adventurers arrive home with tales from the Antarctic!)
Caroline (CTSS Team)
...High Camp on Vinson...
Good news from Antarctica.
The team are safely settled in at High Camp after a solid day coming up yesterday battling some windy conditions. Everyone did extremely well and they are now in an excellent position for a summit bid (hopefully tomorrow) during a promising looking weather window. They'll be keeping an eagle eye on conditions as always but let's hope for a perfect day for them all enjoy their moment on the top of the 7th continent.
I'll continue to keep you updated, but for now, go and enjoy the comparative warmth you are experiencing from wherever you might be reading this while our loved ones have an adventure in the coldest, driest, windiest place on earth!
...Chill Days on the Ice...
Just had a brief call with the team who had a relaxed day down there on the ice at Low Camp on Vinson.
While they had reasonably good weather in camp, it was windier higher on the mountain so they made a good call to use the day as a rest day to recharge themselves and eat some great food. Burgers last night for dinner and pancakes for breakfast so while it may be cold, I don't know if we can say they are roughing it when the menu sounds that good! No rehydrated sachets in sight, just epic Antarctic views.
It sounds as though the weather is supposed to get better so they will either make a carry or even move up to high camp tomorrow.
They're doing great and I'll continue to keep you in the loop.
...Hunkered in at Low Camp on Vinson...
Fresh news straight from Antarctica,
The team are at currently at Low Camp and spent a rest day building camp walls and cutting blocks so they are well dug in and protected from the slightly unpleasant Antarctic weather. Tough work on a cold, windy day.
The forecast is much the same for tomorrow so they're likely stay put and keep warm in their tents, enjoying the shelter of their newly constructed walls.
If it is clear in the morning then they'll do a carry load of gear up to the top of the fixed line enroute to High Camp before returning to Low Camp.
Here's a little graphic map we made up to give you a better idea. It's by no means perfect but outlines the route our team are on, and where they currently are.
Everyone happy and sounded cheery on the satellite phone. I know it sometimes feels like updates are few and far between for all of us at home, but the team will be conserving batteries (which don't like the extreme cold too much) so keep in mind that no news is good news and I promise to keep you as up to date as I am.

...Vinson Base Camp...
The whole team are nicely settled into Vinson Base Camp (6,900ft or 2,100m)
They came in on two separate flights (twin otters on skis) and have already taken advantage of the day and done a carry up to Low Camp further along the glacier at about 9,200ft or 2,800m taking advantage of the warmer afternoon.
As expected, it's nice and cold down there, with a rough guess of about -20 Fahrenheit.
They're currently snuggled up after a long day and will be back on the move tomorrow where they will climb to Low Camp and settle in.
It's been good weather, but there may be a little something brewing so they're planning to get in and set up in the event well in advance of any more challenging weather.
Everyone in great spirits, and we'll keep you updated as they go. Enjoy being warm while you are reading this :P
-CTSS Team
(Twin Otter on Skis) Photo wikicommons
...Off to Antarctica...
The team have flown out today on the amazing Ilyushin landing on a naturally occurring blue-ice runway at Union Glacier Camp.
The camp is located in the spectacular and remote southern Ellsworth Mountains and is only accessible by air. They'll be 1,859 miles (2991 km) from the southern tip of Chile and a short flight to Mount Vinson base camp. The South Pole is just over 600 nautical miles (1138 km) away.
Even though it is summer, (and therefore 24hr daylight!) generally it's below freezing, dry, and windy with temperatures ranging between -12° to 30°F (-24° to -1°C). They will be on the same time zone as Punta Arenas in Chile.
They had a total of 450kg between them, (which is actually quite light considering their baggage allowance was 550kg or so!) Nice packing team. They have everything they will need to stay safe, well fed and warm on the journey ahead.
Usually the team spend a night at the Union Glacier camp, which is amazingly well equipped with full facilities including showers and toilets that are erected and dismantled every season (including all human waste being completely removed from the ice) - it's a very impressive operation considering how remote they are and they'll be mingling with adventurers from all over the world, some who are skiing to the South Pole, climbing Vinson or visiting the Emperor Penguin colonies.
After a night in relative luxury, they'll be boarding twin otter planes on skis in the morning to set out to Vinson Base Camp.
Stay tuned