CTSS Denali lead guide Dallas Glass checked in via Sat Phone earlier this afternoon. The team is hunkered down waiting out some weather but doing well with all members plus their food and gear shuttled up to 11K Camp on the Kahiltna Glacier.
With a gear and food cache already in place at around 13,000 ft their current plan is to move through the “Windy Corner” and up to 14 Camp tomorrow. Of course, as with all plans on Denali, weather will have the final say on if they move tomorrow stay at 11K Camp for another night.
Patience is the name of the game on Denali this season with unstable weather patterns dominating the entire season so far. Not to worry though, waiting on weather is a major part of any Denali trip and our team is strategically taking advantage of weather windows as they come. The good news is forecasts are trending towards better weather starting tomorrow!
All is well on Denali, the team is strong and focused.