Rumiñahui, Cotopaxi, Cayembe, Illiniza. Team Ecuador finishes off the extension to the classic week on a fourth summit along the avenue of volcanoes. This time on Mt Illiniza.

Snow instabilities and high avalanche risk put Chimborazo out of play this time. So Team Ecuador adapted quickly. They shot over instead to the twin peaks of Illiniza Sur y Norte and tagged the rocky top of Iliniza Norte earlier this week. Nowhere else do we know of where a 10-day stretch hits four summits over 15,000 feet including snow, sleet, glaciers, rock scrambling, grassland trails, and some of the best sunrises around.

A spectacular place for some extreme altitude training outside the Himalaya. Congrats to Ann and Edgar for knocking one more out of the park. Cheers from the rest of Team Ecuador and your friends and support team here at the office.


-Team CTSS