Our July Ecuador expedition hit the ground running and is making great progress. After a few days in Quito the team and guide Franklin Varela left the City yesterday traveling North to Fuya Fuya for their first acclimatization hike. An extinct volcano, Fuya Fuya is a gorgeous hike through incredible sub-alpine scenery and ascending to nearly 14,000 ft (~4,200m). After their morning acclimatization it was on to the Town of Otavalo, one of the gems of Ecuador. An incredibly scenic town Otavalo also hosts one of the most famous indigenous craft markets in the country.
Today’s plan is another acclimatization hike on Imbabura and a final night in Otavalo. Tomorrow the team will head out of cell and internet coverage as they take a jeep ride to a hut on Cayambe in preparation for their first major summit bid.
Beautiful scenery, massive volcanoes, and incredible culture – this crew is getting all the highlights Ecuador has to offer.