The last 3 days have been busy for our private Cayambe team. CTSS lead guide Robert Jantzen reported that everyone arrived smoothly (with all their luggage) and gear checks went off without a hitch. Yesterday the team toured around Quito acclimatizing on the Teleferico up to over 13,000 ft and touring the equator.
Today they loaded up into the bus and drove into Cotopaxi National Park for an acclimatization hike to the top of Ruminahui. By now they’re all settled in at the Tambopaxi Lodge resting up for tomorrow.
Currently Cotopaxi is closed to summit climbs due to an increase in volcanic activity but its lower flanks remain accessible. Tomorrow the team will head up just past the Cotopaxi Refugio for a solid snow school course before returning to Tambopaxi lodge for one more night.
Then the attention turns to Cayambe!