** PLEASE NOTE – THIS POST CONTAINS ALL 3x LECTURE REGISTRATION LINKS** – you will need to sign up for each episode separately.

..Join Us…

While we can’t physically be in the mountains together right now, we’d like to continue to educate and inspire our community and are thrilled to be offering a FREE 3x part online Everest Lecture Series to educate and prepare you with everything you need to know to summit  Everest starting Thursday 21st May at 8pm Eastern Time (GMT-4:00)

If you’ve ever dreamt of, or are planning an Everest climb, or even if you are just curious, you don’t want to miss this!

Register on Zoom for all 3 here:

21st May – Episode 1:

Using actual footage of the route, Mike Hamill (owner of CTSS and author of the guide book) will virtually guide you through every section of the South Side Everest climb whilst offering detailed insights garnered from his 13x expeditions.
Following the route visualisation, we will then moderate an Q&A with Mike and past Everest summiteers, PS Sim & Mark Wilkins.

REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XMY9tXy0TgeXHp947MWwAQ

28th May – Episode 2:

The Summit Bid – Following on from Episode 1, we take a more detailed look specifically at the summit bid, again using video, Mike Hamill will provide time tested strategies and insights to lead to a successful Everest summit. Special guest panellists Everest Blogger, Mountaineering coach and Summiteer Alan Arnette & Tendi Sherpa 13x Everest summiteer, Sirdar and Lead Guide

REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_erUieOe7SGed1vq0z4GHAQ

4th June – Episode 3:

Broken into two parts, this episode will address Everest specific training strategies and how best to prepare for your climb with Uphill Athlete Trainer Mark Postle before deep diving into the duffel bag with Mike Hamill to give you an inventory of the most needed gear for Everest. We are thrilled to also be joined by Speedy Steve (Steve Plain) – the current record holder of the fastest lap of all 7 summits in just 117 days!

REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JfWPLLuiRNWYpIHAdUeAjg