Orizaba Express Guided Climb

$3,495 USD

January 11th – January 19, 2021

This is our most popular option. This expedition is our traditional guided team climb which ascends the stunning Northern Route.

For a detailed overview of the trip from an objective source, have a read of this great article by mountaineer Laura Lisowski: https://www.releasetravel.com/blog/2019/1/25/climbing-orizaba-preparation-for-everest-with-los-authenticos

Provided are guidance, leadership, and expedition oversight by renowned expedition leader Mike Hamill, local guides, logistics, team gear, food, and support for a summit attempt on Orizaba. All prices are in US Dollars. CTSS requires clients to buy trip insurance for all expeditions. Please see our page on trip insurance and cancellation policy for more information.

All payments once submitted are non-refundable and non-transferable. If balances are not received by specified dates, the client forfeits their place on the program and any prior fees paid