Our CTSS team are currently rendezvousing in Punta Arenas readying for their Vinson Expedition.

Punta Arenas is the southernmost town in Chile in the Patagonia region. Located on the Strait of Magellan which connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, it, along with Ushuaia in Argentina are the most common bases for excursions to Antarctica.

The team will undertake final preparations, gear checks and briefings before heading off to Antarctica in the coming days on an ilyushin aircraft. It’s a funny little town,  full of character and tales from the wilderness.

We’ll be looking to the weather gods to give them a nice window to fly out. When they are on the ice, communication can be a little tricker, so remember no news is good news but we’ll be posting regular updates here on the blog.

If you do need to get hold of an expedition member urgently, please email us: info@climbingthesevensummits.com
