It was a busy weekend for our team on Manaslu. An update from Senior Guide Tendi Sherpa came in yesterday after the team’s successful and productive rotation to Manaslu’s high camps. The team spent three nights above base camp, including one night at Camp One and two nights at Camp Two, with a quick acclimatization tag of Camp Three during their final rotation.

Now that they are back at base camp, the focus is on resting, hydrating, and fueling to prepare for their summit bid. For Tendi and the team, all eyes are now on the weather forecast so they can identify the best window for their climb. As always, the team will only push for the summit when it is safe, harkening in a quick reminder that the mountain grants us passage, never the other way around.

We will continue to keep you posted on their progress and schedule.

Photos from Tendi Sherpa

Roped up and ready to make a summit bid on Manaslu!

Careful assessments are needed when navigating the glaciated terrain on Manaslu.

Team Manaslu, prepping and preparing for their summit push!

Keeping our climbers happy and healthy with good food and proper nutrition is essential to all of our programs.