It’s an exciting time on Everest right now!
As climbers are heading up from Basecamp, Expedition Leader Mike Hamill checked in with this update:
Our front wave of climbers is currently at C2 looking to summit on the 12th or 13, while our second wave will head up over the next few nights.
Jessica, Mark, Margaret, Meghan, John, Clayton and their guides are all at C2 as part of the first wave. With this first crew we will have 17 Sherpa and guides in support of them for the summit, more than a 2:1 ratio of climbing staff to climbers, so they will be in the best of hands.
Heading up in short order, the second wave will be Jane, Gabby, Manal, and Pascal with their guides and support Sherpa.
Currently the weather is looking good for summit bids from the 12-16 and we will be watching this weather window closely. Our high camp is now fully stocked with oxygen and supplies and everything is in position.
We will keep you updated in the coming days as to the teams movement.
Best from EBC
Mike Hamill, Expedition Leader
While Everest summit bids have begun there is still a lot of activity in basecamp as other CTSS climbers rest and prepare for their turn at the top.
Our CTSS 2022 Table Tennis Tournament in the Big House drew 32 contestants with Pega Sherpa winning the grand prize of a 7000m Himali down parka – Congratulations Pega!
Down time also gives a chance to screen movies on the team’s projector as well as enjoying tons of good food coming our of Chef Jensen and Chef Kumar’s kitchen.
Not a bad way to relax and critically important to recovery after 2 long acclimatization rotations, but everyone is eagerly awaiting their time to start climbing. We’re looking forward to following their progress over the next days and weeks.