12th May
After such incredible patience waiting for the winds on the upper mountain to abate and the right weather window to appear, the time has finally come and a number of our team have just launched into their summit bids.
Leaving Base Camp, this morning and already reaching Camp 1 we have:
- Western Guided Team – Led by Quique Claussen, Robert Jantzen and Pemba Geljie, are Bruce McC, Ben S & Schuyler E
- Kevin C and Guide Ashish
- Roberto T and Guide Pasang Tendi
- Olivier T & Guide Casey
- Mark Postle
- Tom L and Guide Tomi Ceppi
- Matt B and Guide Kami
- Taylor G and Guide Naren
- Kirstie E, Rob G and Guide Anup
At Base Camp preparing for their summit rotation, Sam C, Rajat S, Lisa B, Jen W, Ott T, Ludivine L, Rohan F, Damian M, Zukey and Travis.
Finishing her final rotation is Julie M, who will come down and rest for a few days before she also launches into her summit bid.
After a year or more of training, huge personal and family sacrifices made, these climbers are not only determined but also so excited that their moment has come and game day is here. We are wishing them all enormous luck, they deserve every success.
For those of us at home, this is always a time full of mixed emotions as our loved ones pursue their life long goals. Please remember that no news is good news, time can feel like it moves slowly in the mountains and there are still days of climbing ahead of them.
All is well on Everest today.
Photos from the CTSS archives