Evening of the 15th May (local Nepal time)
Our teams are doing so well on their summit rotation.
At Camp 3, having climbed part of the Lhotse Face today, we have our first wave of summit climbers and guides including:
- Western Guided Team Climbers (Bruce McC, Ben S, Schuyler Evans with Guides Quique Claussen and Pemba Gelji
- Kevin C and Guide Ashish
- Roberto T and Guide Pasang
- Olivier and Guide Casey
- Mark Postle
- Tom L and Guide Tomi C
- Matt B and Guide Kami
- Taylor G and Gude Naren
- Kirstie E and Guides Anup and Kami Temba
They will sleep on oxygen tonight, before waking up to continue to climb the remainder of the Lhotse Face, up through the Yellow Band and into the South Col. There is a bit of wind in the forecast for tomorrow up to the Col, and it can be windy there, but looking very good for their planned May 17th summit.
Just a day behind them, our second wave of summit climbers and guides are sleeping at Camp 2 tonight and will move up to Camp 3 tomorrow; including
- Ludivine L and Dawa Jungbu
- Damian M (Lhotse) and Doma Chhiri Sherpa
- Sam C and Thu Nang
- Ott and Guide Dorjee
- Jen W and Guide Big Pasang
- Rajat and Guide Pega
- Zukey & Guide Vinay
- Lisa B & Guide Prakash
- Travis & Guide New Tendi
- Rohan F with Guide Sujan
Julie M is safely back to Base Camp where she will rest and recover for a good few days before making her summit rotation.
Photos from the CTSS archives