Experience Level

Vinson is a serious undertaking meant for climbers with prior experience in the cold and some climbing skills. Guides will work with clients throughout the expedition to provide safety, advice, logistics, technical guidance, and information to best ensure the clients’ summit success.
Physical Training

Your climb begins long before you reach the ice. We encourage you to incorporate training into your daily routine at least six months before the departure date. As your climb rolls around, you want to be in top physical and mental condition. Being fit at home is different from being strong at high altitudes and in extreme conditions.

Mindset and mental preparation are integral to your success on any peak.
You should be prepared to:
- Be away from home/work for the duration of your climb
- Have a desire for rugged adventure travel
- Be open to receiving and deferring to guidance, support, and advice from your guides/expedition leaders even if you are an experienced mountaineer
- Be comfortable having open conversations with your guides
- Be able to work well in a team environment by being supportive and respectful of fellow teammates
- Be humble, respectful, and considerate even under pressure