Great news fresh in from the ice!

The team has summitted and everyone is safely back to Base Camp
It’s 1am down there but they are settling in to have some dinner before crawling into bed.

It’s been a big few days for sure. They topped out in absolutely perfect weather, (in fact Mike said it’s the best it has ever been in all his years on Vinson) but it was a little short lived as by the time they got back into High Camp about midnight, that famous Antarctic wind was making life a little less celebratory…

They’ve come down the fixed lines today and made it all the way to Base Camp. Time for some well deserved rest. Let’s hope the weather gods to smile upon them again so that the fixed-wing aircraft can get in, and fly them back to Union Glacier.

At Union Glacier, they’ll be treated to hot showers and some great food before we’ll be once again hoping for another weather window to get them off the frozen continent and back to Chile and en route home.

Having worked hard, our loved ones are safe and sound and will be back before we know it
(I say this in jest, but we may as well all enjoy the peace and quiet before the duffel bags of stinky expedition gear and our rugged adventurers arrive home with tales from the Antarctic!)

Caroline (CTSS Team)