Our Kilimanjaro team has officially hit the trail! On August 29th, the team transferred to the Machame Gate on the border of Kilimanjaro National Park. Over the next seven days, they will make their way to the 19,341-foot summit of Africa’s tallest peak.

We have chosen the Machame Route on Kilimanjaro because it offers the best summit chances and the opportunity to experience a vast array of landscapes. As the team leaves Machame Camp behind, they also leave behind the rainforest. They will continue ascending into the heather moorlands, where the vegetation becomes less dense, and views of Mount Meru come into sight on a clear day.

Here are a few photos from our team in Tazania.

Mount Meru in the background along the Machame Route

Lava Tower at 4,600 meters! The team is feeling good!

Sunny days and blue skies welcome our team to Lava Tower!