Christmas Summits on Vinson!

A huge congratulations to our Vinson Teams who both stood on top of the bottom of the world for Christmas! What a special (albeit chilly and cold!) day with winds on the summit.

Everyone well and back to High Camp. Tomorrow they will drop back down to Vinson Base Camp before heading back out on the ski planes when the weather allows to the hot showers and creature comforts at Union Glacier.

So proud of the teams for climbing so strongly and in such great style. The only team on top of Antarctica today.

Congratulations to our summiteers;
Priyanka D
Saurabh B
Holger M
Harold P
Steffen B
Jay B
Wilson K
Nick C
Ben M
Aseem C
Vlad S
Mario V
Kevin Al
Wylie H

& Guides Mike Hamill & Zeb Blaiss and special thank you to Tomi Ceppi and Kitt H for their achievements.

Everyone safe and well.

Photos from a previous season.

Vinson Summit - Photo: Darren R

Aconcagua Team Carry to C1

The whole team (fully reunited with our Speed Ascender fresh off the South Pole!) have made their first foray up Aconcagua, leaving Base Camp and doing a carry to Camp 1. They cached a load of gear there, and then dropped back to Base Camp for their final night. Tomorrow they will move to Camp 1 and repeat the process as they make their way up the peak. This is part of our 'climb high, sleep low' acclimatisation strategy.

The team set a deliberately slow and steady pace to let their bodies play catch up to the new altitude. It was pretty chilly with some fresh snow, making for a long, hard day which is the norm on a mountain as mighty as Aconcagua.

The team are sending their Christmas wishes back to loved ones at home before they head out of connection for the next little while.

All well and moving along nicely on Aconcagua.

Snow at Base Camp - photo Quique Claussen
Aconcagua Dec 22 Team heading out of Base Camp for C1- Photo Quique Claussen
Camp on Aconcagua photo Quique Claussen
Aconcagua Dec 22 Team heading out of Base Camp for C1- Photo Quique Claussen
climb aconcagua, climbing the seven summits,
Base Camp
Aconcagua's dramatic West Face at Sunset from Basecamp. Photo Robert Jantzen

Blue Bird Days for our Vinson Teams

The weather in Antarctica is really delivering for our teams. There has not been a breath of wind since arriving.

The teams are doing a great job and are already getting positioned for their summit bids.

Mike & Robert's team guiding (Harold, Ben, Saurabh, Kevin, Nick C, Jay B, Holger & Steffen) climbed to the top of the fixed lines yesterday and put in a cache. They had a rest day today and are just cooking dinner. They will move up to High Camp tomorrow with the plan to stand on top of the bottom of the world on Christmas Day!!

Meanwhile, Tomi & Zebs team (Kitt, Priyanka,Wilson, Aseem, Vlad, Mario & Wylie) took a rest day yesterday and today are moving up to High Camp. They may even summit tomorrow depending on how the team is feeling but more likely to take a rest day and then summit alongside the others on Christmas Day.

Everyone is strong and enjoying the warm (comparatively!) sunny days.


Photos from previous season

View of the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica.


Aconcagua Team at Base Camp

The team have arrived at Plaza Argentina Base Camp and are looking pretty happy to be there.  In such good spirits this team is having heaps of fun! Tomorrow they will rest and do an acclimatization day, checking in with the Base Camp doctors before starting their climb in earnest by doing their first carry to Camp 1.

Tom is a day behind because of delayed baggage coming off the plane and is at Casa de Piedra with Guide Quique. They will catch the team tomorrow along with our Speed Ascender Sharon who is fresh off her Last Degree Ski to the South Pole, and will heli in tomorrow and the whole crew will be together for an Aconcagua Christmas!

Weather has been kind to them and everyone is strong. Excited to get the true climbing underway in the next few days.


Aconcagua team on approach - Photo Nani

Low Camp on Vinson

Vinson Teams at Low Camp

A long day yesterday from Vinson Base Camp up to Low Camp. The team finally got to bed at 1:30am (although when we climb in Antarctica the days are more dictated by the sun's position in the sky and whether the team are in shadow or in the sun. They climb in the sun for warmth and rest when the sun circles to the other side of the mountains and temperatures drop)

Today they plan to do a carry load to the top of the fixed lines for acclimatization and then rest. Weather is perfect and supposed to get even better. In all Mike's years 15+ on Vinson he reports that this is the warmest trip he's ever had!

The teams are strong and everyone is climbing well. We expect a sat phone call in today so will keep you updated as we head into Christmas.


vinson, climb mt vinson, climb in antarctica, what are the seven summits, climb the seven summits, 7 summits, mike hamill
Vinson Route Map

Vinson for Christmas - Photo PS Sim

vinson, climb vinson, how to climb vinson, climbing antarctica, climbing the seven summits, seven summits

A Quick Update from Vinson

A quick one, to let you all know that our Vinson Teams have safely landed at Vinson Base Camp having been slightly delayed out of Union Glacier due to some low lying fog. That cleared and they were able to have a smooth flight on the ski planes. They have set up Base Camp and tomorrow will get underway and climb to Low Camp.

The sun is shining (24/7) and the clear skies are forecast to stick around for a few days. We'll keep you updated


Union Glacier - Photo Meghan Buchanan
vinson, climb mt vinson, climb in antarctica, what are the seven summits, climb the seven summits, 7 summits, mike hamill
Vinson Route Map

vinson, climb vinson, how to climb vinson, climbing antarctica, climbing the seven summits, seven summits

Aconcagua team about to take to the trail

Our Aconcagua team will be waking up very excited this morning to start their approach hike to the mountain.

Yesterday they travelled from Mendoza to Puente del Inca (2,725m) to start their acclimatization and spend the night in the dome tents.

Today they will enter the Aconcagua Provincial Park via the Vacas Valley and do a mule assisted hike to the first camp;  Pampa de Lenas Camp (3,100m) approximately 13km away, at the side of the river. These approach days are deliberately slow paced to allow the climbers to acclimate. The valley surrounds are very dry so it's all about covering up from the sun and making sure you have lots of sunscreen on!

Exciting times on Aconcagua and everyone is ready and raring to go.


The trek to Aconcagua - Photo Robert Jantzen
Team Dinner before bed at Puente Del Inca Photo Nani

Mules carrying climber's gear up the Horcones Valley to Basecamp - Photo Robert Jantzen

Aconcagua Kicks Off

The team--and most of their luggage--has arrived in Mendoza, Argentina, where we've been doing gear checks and guide briefings.

The team celebrated with a dinner in town tonight. Tomorrow they will finalise their permits and hit the road to Penitentes where they begin their approach trek to the mountain the following day.

We're excited to kick off the first team departure of the 2022/2023 Aconcagua season!


Aconcagua Dec 22 Team Dinner - Photo Nani

Vinson Season Kicks Off

Our first 2x Vinson teams for the season have flown onto the ice and landed safely in Antarctica and are now at Union Glacier after a busy few days in Punta Arenas, packing, covid testing and briefings.

This departure, we have two teams moving independently but in parallel. The first team is headed up by Tomi Ceppi and Zeb Blaiss, the other by Mike Hamill and Robert Jantzen.

Both groups have already set up Camp at UG and will look to fly over to Vinson Base Camp on the smaller ski planes tomorrow morning if the weather stays agreeable which it is forecast to do.

It's great to get underway and we are so excited to be back to the most remote of the 7 summits, and share this magical and pristine environment with the climbers. What a way to celebrate a very icy, white Christmas!


Summit of Aconcagua

Aconcagua Summit!


Our early private Aconcagua climb had a successful summit today via the Polish Glacier route. Guide Quique and climber Taylor climbed hard all day starting early in the morning and summiting just after 5:00 this afternoon. They're now back in camp, certainly they'll be looking forward to a good nights rest after a heck of a climb.

The Polish Glacier route is a far less frequently climbed ascent of Aconcagua than either the Normal Route or our usual Aconcagua 360 traverse. With some fixed lines, steep snow, ice bulges and strenuous technical climbing above 20,000 feet it is an extremely proud accomplishment.

Tomorrow Taylor and Quique will descend back to basecamp to enjoy the thick air and relax for an afternoon. After that it's back out the Horcones Valley and down to Mendoza to put a bow on this highly successful expedition.

While this trip is wrapping up our first group climb starts tomorrow. We'll keep you all posted as our climbers arrive and make their way up the Vacas Valley on the Aconcagua 360 route over the next 3 weeks.



Summit of Aconcagua
Summit of Aconcagua