The business of Base Camp continues, with the team now undertaking serious preparations…
The secret sauce behind a successful summit? A twice-daily tiger balm head steam!! Or so Wayne, Rich, Peter, Bill, Nori and PS believe. They’re happily poaching themselves with a ‘strong-a-batch-of-balm’ as one can handle and feeling strong and ready for their next foray up the hill.
They’re also modifying the dining tent to make a darker cinema for a big screen movie showing of Lord of the Rings and ‘Casey’s Cappuccinos’ are keeping everyone caffeinated and happy. (Sorry Mike but apparently he makes a better brew than you!)
Today the team will all convene in the ‘Big House’ for their summit rotation Q&A session with Lead Guide Casey who is such a phenomenal resource and I’m sure they’re all bubbling new information on summit bid layering, water and oxygen consumption, food etc – a hundred and one Everest climbing hacks!
The weather system has brought in some interesting cloud formations which provides a break from the standard stunning curelean blue expanse (and is probably welcome relief from the hot sun in the mornings which does have a tendency to start redesigning and reshaping tent platforms a bit around this time of year! – nothing a bit of muscle power doesn’t fix)
Our team is happy, ready for the summit bid and hopefully relaxed ahead of the greatest adventure of their lives.